Chapter 29

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(Audrey's POV)

I pried my eyes open lazily as I awoke. I felt really weak and I just wanted to sleep, but I knew that the soft bed that I was in and the new, yet familiar scent was not my mate's.

I slowly sat up against the headboard and looked around. The room seemed familiar, but I could not place where I smelled or seen this room before.

I slowly got up, ignoring the slight headache I had. I looked around and saw a door at the front of the room. I walked toward the door and grabbed the handle before twisting it.

It was locked.

I began to feel a sense of panic at me being locked in some room. I knew that banging on the door would be a stupid move. So I tried to melt the door knob with a shot of fire.

Once I surged for the power, a shot of pain shot through my body and I slightly stumbled.

'What was that?' I frantically asked to Athena as I tried to think of why I was suddenly so weak.

'When Clarita touched Kitten's body it took some power from us temporarily. Meaning you'll feel pretty weak until your body regains all its power.' Athena answered.

'Gosh! Thena, how long do you think it'll take for us to regain our power?' I asked her as I sat down on the bed, feeling slightly winded from the weakness.

'I don't really know. It could only be for a few. Or it could be days or months. But there are ways for you to get it back early. You could touch Clarita or Jake and your power should come back in a matter of minutes. It really just depends on how much the spell took out of you.' Athena told me.

I groaned out loud and crawled backward on the bed. I leaned back against the headboard as I began to think.

Suddenly, the door unlocked and someone bust in.

It was a guy with small muscles. He turned around to look at me and smiled.

"Hello, Mistress." He said as he bowed. I raised an eyebrow at him in question.

"Mistress? I'm not your mistress. But what you can tell me is why I am here and who you are." I said in a small tone. I am weak right now and I don't want to anger him if I can't fight back.

"I am simply here to give you your lunch, Mistress. I hope it is acceptable to you. The maids worked very hard." He announced. It was then that I noticed the tray of food in his hands.

On the tray had a plate of pancakes that were drenched in syrup, surprisingly, just how I liked it. Next to that was a plate of ten pieces of bacon and eggs that looked like they didn't have much cheese, which again, was weirdly just how I liked it. There was also a cup of fresh smelling orange juice. Once again. Just how I liked it.

The guy handed me the plate without another word before bowing and leaving. I then began to contemplate eating it.

'Should we eat it?' I asked Athena as I stared at the amazing looking and smelling pancakes.

'We could. I mean, it doesn't seem like they plan to starve us right now. But then again it could have drugs in them.' Athena responded.

I sniffed the food closely before going back to Athena, 'I don't smell anything wrong.'

'Drugs don't have to have a smell for it to be there.' Athena said with a knowing look on her fur filled face.

'Would you just shut up and tell me if I should eat or not? Because honestly, if you don't tell me I can't, in 5 seconds I will shove those barely cheesed eggs down my throat.' I promised.

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