Chapter 30

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(Clarita's POV)

"Owww!" I groaned as I awoke. I stretched my muscles and breathed out.

At first, I was going to ask Rita what was happening but everything flashed back to me in the blink of an eye.

Oh my gosh. They took me! They said that they wanted me to be a maid for their 'master.' What if their master doesn't like me and just wants to kill me? What if they-

Suddenly, the door opened and I saw a small male with slight muscle. He turned toward me and smiled. He had a small tray of food on his hand.

"Hi. Master told me to give you this food. He says the Mistress will be seeing you soon and he doesn't want you unfed." The guy said as he passed me the tray.

The tray had a large bowl of Lucky Charms, two small cups of mixed fruit, and a bottle of water.

I kept looking at him weirdly. He must have felt my stare because he turned to me and asked me why I was staring at him.

"By the way the people took me, you would kinda think you people were going to starve me." I whispered as I bowed my head in submission.

"I'm sorry they took you so harshly. I wish I could've helped, but I have to go now." The boy said with a sad smiled and walked out the room. I heard a click, signaling the sound of him locking the door.

I sighed and began to eat the food. I munched on the cereal as I looked around the room. The room had a window with curtains, but I could still see the sunlight threw the gray curtains.

The room was like a typical guest room. With the walls and carpet being white and the bed and curtain being gray.

I was just beginning to eat my second fruit cup when the door unlocked and a large guy came in.

The guy didn't notice me at first and began to undress. I gasped loudly and turned away, putting the tray on the small night stand that was next to the bed in the process.

In the corner of my eye I saw the guy stop and whirl around. He noticed me and smirked as he eyed me. I also noticed that he was smiling big. Very big.

"Well hello, sexy. Tell me, who are you?" He smirked. He walked toward the bed and grabbed my foot. He dragged me to the end of the bed as he hovered over me.

I didn't answer him and he pinched my thigh harshly causing me to cry out in pain.

"Answer me!"

I gulped as tears welled in my eyes, but I answered anyway, "C-Clarita."

He smiled at my obvious fear and discomfort. He looked down at my chest and groaned. His hand then started to trail to my pantie line as he whispered, "Oh, baby. That name is so sexy. Tell me, are you a virgin?" He questioned.

I was about to scream my heart out, but he saw what I was about to do and he glared at me, "If you scream I will kill you. Right here, right now," He pulled out a pocket knife with his other hand and trailed it from my forehead to my neck.

"Now answer my question, Clarita." The way he said my name sent shivers of disgust down my back.

"N-No." I quietly said as I silently cried, praying that someone would come help.

The guy suddenly moaned. I then noticed that he was groping my chest. I kept crying and tried to move his hand with mine, but he cut the back of my hand and I cried out.

"Do you like this, huh? You like that?" He said as he rubbed faster.

He then stopped rubbing and yanked my pants and underwear off in one swift pull. I almost screamed but he pressed the knife further into my neck.

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