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(Quick warning: there is one brief mention of rape at the end of this chapter during an argument. It didn't happen to any of the characters I am writing and it is literally the only time something like that is mentioned. There are no details or anything but I couldn't let anyone get hit unexpectedly with that."

August 24th, 2009

Kara walked into the high school for the first time. Alex made her go in alone, no way was she going to be associated with a freshman especially not during her Senior year. She looked at the paper in her hand, her class schedule with her locker and combination on it. The hallways were so much bigger than that of the middle school. In this main hall, you could see the balcony of the second floor clinging to the side as the roof soared high above with skylights. Kara gulped and took a deep breath.

"You can do this. It's just another school. A bigger school but school none the less, you like school." Kara mumbles to herself. She is relieved when she turns a corner and is a normal hallway lined with lockers.

"See you can do this."

Kara hears a commotion around the next corner. When she turns, right outside her first class, two large guys are shoving a much smaller one back and forth. Another looks to be opening a locker from the paper in his hand.

"Come on Schott. Agree to do our homework this year and this would be so much easier. We won't even tell people here about your dad." One sneers.

"Guys I can't. I almost failed last year because if you." The little one cries out.

"Hey!" Kara yells. That gets the bullies attention.

"Got it! Alright, let's see if he fits." Says the third as he opens the locker, turning to notice the slightly lanky girl now starring them down.

"Get lost. This has got nothing to do with you."

"I think it does." Kara steps closer.

That's when one of the guys makes the mistake of grabbing her shoulder. Jeremiah had been taking her to various fighting classes since she was adopted. The therapist had recommended it to help her cope with the loss of her parents and Kara loved it. Loved the control it gave her over her own body when everything else felt like chaos. Her test for her black belt in Karate was next month even.

On instinct, Kara grabbed the wrist and twisted, turning the much larger boy around and forcing him to the ground. He cries out makes a pained expression. The other boys are shocked and then mad.

"Well, now you made me mad." Said the kid who opened the locker.

Kara twists the arm in her grasp harder, just right before it dislocates she releases and shoves him forward with a foot. He rolls on the ground, clutching at his shoulder. Kara looks up just in time to see the locker kid take a swing, she ducks and shoves the heel of her hand into his exposed nose. Instantly, blood gushes out. The last kid runs at seeing how quickly his friends were dispatched. Kara finally turns to the bullied boy, plastered against the lockers in fear.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Y-y-yes. I'm-I'm better than those guys. Who are you?" He asks over the moans of the two remaining bullies.

"Kara Danvers." She sticks out her hand. He takes it tentatively.

"Winslow Schott. But everyone just calls me Winn."

"It's nice to meet you."

"What is going on here!" Roars a tall teacher as he rounds the corner.

He towers over the four students. Kara and Winn are both too shocked to respond.

"All of you, to the principal's office." The man lifts the boys by their shirts and heards them back the direction Kara came from.

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