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"But we know nothing about who she is, she even wore a mask coming into the buildings." The man cowers before her.

"I do not care. Find this woman. Profits have decreased nearly thirty-five percent since Andromeda disappeared and I will not tolerate anymore lost profits." Veronica's voice like a whip cracking over her underlings.

A beat of silence before she arches a deadly brow and the three men in the room with her almost fall over each other trying to escape it. Veronica turns back to her computer monitors to try and find anything on this woman. If she knew who she was, then she would know how to blackmail her. Or capture. Whichever worked best. Then she sees it, a clue that could narrow her search greatly. In one of the security videos from after one of Andromeda's fights, she unzips her black bag and pulls out a blue towel with some sort of logo on it. Now Veronica will just have to figure out what that logo is.


March 15th, 2018

The emptiness around her is deafening. The therapy session went great but now she is alone in her hotel room. Again. Lena threw back on the same leggings and sweats she had worn for the past two days because no one else would see her again. Lena tried to escape the loneliness by going out for dinner the first night after Sam and Ruby left. That was worse, sitting alone at a table covered in a white tablecloth and a candle. The waiter taking the extra set of silverware from the other side when he learned she was dining alone. She left before the appetizer arrived, leaving enough to cover the full meal and tip.

Then Lena tried to fill the void with music and writing, it worked for a while. But it's been three days since her family went home and Lena is restless. She hasn't felt this way in a long time. It's a craving she thought she had put behind her, but instead of breaking her promise to herself and to Sam, she crawls in her bed to try to sleep. Normally when this feeling started she would go bug Ruby or open a bottle of wine with Sam, Instead, she stares at the ceiling as haunting memories circle through her mind a hole opens in her chest. Lena wrestles with body and mind as they beg her to fill it. Fill the loneliness or at least numb it a bit. Lena knows she can't do this for three more nights. It's too hard. She thinks of calling Sam but knows it's too late with the time difference. Her next choice is Kara but she doesn't know if that will cross some invisible friendship line. And then Lena is spiraling through thoughts of Kara. So much of what they had was good. But it was Kara's fault she felt this lonely. It wasn't until kara tore off her armor with trust and love that she felt the need to connect with others. Then Kara left her standing alone in airport after airport as she lied to her face. A tear escapes the tight grasp Lena had on herself. She clicks the message thread with Kara.

Kara, I can't stay. I'm going to leave in the morning on the first flight I can. Can I meet you at the gym to say goodbye? With a shuddering breath, Lena buries her face in her pillow to fight off the rest of the tears. It feels like hours but is probably just a few minutes before Lena's phone buzzes in her clenched hand.

What? No. I thought we had until Monday?

I just can't Kara. Can I come in the morning? Lena doesn't really know how to explain or wants to, but she doesn't want to just leave again. She wants to see Kara in person.

No. Lena's heart sank.

I'll be at your hotel in five minutes.

Sadness turns to confusion, then panic. Lena glances around the mess that her hotel room had become over the last couple days of having the 'Do Not Disturb' sign up. Quickly she moves around, stacking takeout containers on the counter and stuffing the smaller ones in the fridge to hide. She has papers everywhere, all half-finished songs or scribbled on with lyrics that Lena begins stacking as haphazardly as they were strewn across the room, but at least now they were in one place and not taking up every available surface. Lena throws the comforter of the bed flat to help cover up how unmade it is. All in all, it doesn't look too bad, until Lena looks in the mirror and sees her unbrushed hair and two-day old clothes. Her eyes are also slightly red but that could also do with the fact that it is almost midnight. She hears a knock. Lena strips off her old sweatshirt and throws it under the bed before grabbing a cleaner one from the dresser to pull on. As she walks to the door, Lena pulls her hair into a messy bun. That would have to do. Another knock.

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