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August 15th, 2018

Three concerts down in her current world tour and Lena is crashing down from the high of it fast as she paces the new hotel room. Lena had released an album so shortly after her last that when it was announced that she was stepping back from music for a while, every venue sold out within the hour of tickets going up for sale. Right now though, she's half-dressed in a new blue suit. The black pumps are waiting by the couch, and the jacket hangs by the door. She hates that she had to fly back to National City for this, but she has to see this through. Lena turns on her heel and paces the other direction while rehearsing in her head what she has to say.

"Lee," Kara says softly from the couch.

Lena startles, forgetting her girlfriend is there. She turns to face Kara who has been watching her spiral into a near panic, pulling her out just in time. Lena smiles softly at her savior and goes to sit next to Kara. Kara immediately grabs both her hands, warm on Lena's cold, nervous ones.

"Babe, you are going to be fine. I know it will be hard, but you can do this. We are all with you."

"I know. I know. I got through Lex's trial. I can get through Lillian's. It's just so personal this time. She kidnapped me, hospitalized you. It's so much more emotional this time."

"And you are even stronger." Kara presses her forehead to Lena's, and Lena closes her eyes and just absorbs Kara's supportive presence.

A soft knock at the door and Lena's assistant, Eve, calls that the car is waiting for them. Kara calls back that they will be right there, but she continues to sit with Lena for a few moments more. It's going to be a long day. With a deep breath, Lena stands and Kara quickly follows. Kara holds Lena's hand as she slips on her shoes and helps Lena into her blazer.


"In your own words, can you explain how you saw the events of the past year and a half?" the prosecutor asks Lena.

Lena's pointer finger digs into the side of her thumbnail as she tries hard not to fidget. She has been briefed on this part and has practiced it over and over to try and be as calm and unbiased as possible.

She takes a deep breath. "It is no secret that I was estranged from my family. I took a path that was seen as unacceptable. My father did, however, leave money and a small percentage of the LuthorCorp stock in a trust fund before he committed his crimes that lead to his death. Before my brother was arrested, he legally transferred his shares to me as well. That left me with the majority and appointed me as the CEO of LexCorp, which my brother had changed the name to. I, however, have never had an interest in the corporate world. But as the new CEO, I had a very specific life insurance policy that essentially paid out large amounts of money to any kidnappers for my safe return."

"And the defendant was aware of this policy?"

"I am sure she was. My father and brother had the same policy."

"Did the defendant try to contact you before the alleged kidnapping?"

Lena tightens her hand into a fist at the word. There was nothing 'alleged' about it. "Yes. Several times. But after my brother's arrest, I wanted nothing to do with my family. I already had an acting CEO managing the company as I decided what to do. My mother called and left messages that I ignored. She had made offhand comments about immigrants and the state of America before. I believe it alienated me even more. She was also not happy with my sexuality and people who were like me."

Jane Ramos paces in front of Lena as she pauses for the next question.

"How sure are you it was Lillian Luthor that kidnapped you?"

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