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August 31st, 2018

Pictures of their time together had exploded across newsstands in National City by the time Kara returned. None of them really had a clear picture of Kara, thanks to Lena, but anyone who knew her knew it was her. She had texted Alex back and told her she was turning off her phone until she got back. The couple had spent their days exploring the city and their nights exploring each other. Kara was smiling broadly still when Alex picked her up at the airport. Alex just laughed and called her a dork as Kara gushed about Italy and Lena. Kara turned on her phone on the car ride home.

Five missed calls from Cat Grant.

"Shit," Kara says.

"What is it?"

"Cat Grant called me. Multiple times."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll need to talk to Lena first."

"What will you do if she calls..." Kara's phone rings with Cat's name flashing across the screen.

"Again." Alex finishes. Kara groans and unlocks her phone.

"Miss Grant! Hello." She says a little too cheerily.

"Kara Danvers. How could you?"

"I'm sorry Miss Grant. I don't know what you mean?"

"You and Lena Luthor. How could you not provide me with an exclusive?" Kara cringes.

"I don't know what you mean."

"So you weren't just in Italy with the Lena Luthor? You are a terrible liar."

"No comment."

"When did this start?"

"No comment." a sigh from the other end.

"Is there anything you will comment on?"

"Off the record, Miss Grant, if and when there is something for me to disclose about a relationship with anyone I will let you know if that person agrees to do so." Cats silence through the phone is as good as a groan of frustration.

"I will hold you to that Kara Danvers." The line goes dead.

"Wow, I'm impressed, sis. Not many people can say no to Cat Grant."

"It wasn't a no. Just a later. I have to talk to Lena about this."

"You guys didn't talk about it while you were together? You had to know something like this would happen."

"We were... busy." Kara blushes furiously.

"TMI, sis, TMI."


September 25th, 2017

Weeks passed. Kara and Lena mostly played phone tag until Kara could manage to meet Lena somewhere. Three trips across the world to see a beautiful woman who captivated most of Kara's thoughts.

The rest of Kara's thoughts were focused on Cadmus. The gang had been becoming more and more organized. Winn was having trouble tracking down members. Most of the members Kara had captured disappeared or were released and then fell off the grid. When Kara and Winn did manage to locate different bases of operations for the gang, it was much more sophisticated and systematically destroyed than when they first started.

Kara had begun canceling more and more of her lessons until several people demanded refunds. She just gave it to them instead of wasting her time arguing. James was the last one who actually still tried to get her to teach him. Kara just spent most of her time with Winn, trying to figure out Cadmus' next move.

Violence had skyrocketed in poorer districts and was spreading quickly. The police couldn't find willing witnesses to the crimes. Then as soon as several violent crimes occurred in one area it would stop. Winn believed that Cadmus was causing chaos just to have people pay them to stop. He was trying to find any source of payment to be able to trace it but was having little success. Kara was getting more and more reckless, going out in daylight in full gear. Frustration was clearly getting the best of her and it worried Winn.

"Hey darling, how are you?" Lena's voice some through her Bluetooth.

"Better now that I can finally talk to you," Kara responds, she weaves in between cars going much faster than she should.

"What are you doing? That's an odd noise."

"Oh, just out for a ride. Had to clear my head." Kara pulls to a stop at a light. This time she was just in her plain clothes, her bike black to blend in with the traffic.

"Out for a ride?"

"On my motorcycle."

"Since when do you have a motorcycle?"

"Umm... I guess since right after you left the country. I haven't told you?" Traffic starts again as the light turns green.

"No, I think I would remember if my girlfriend had something as sexy as a motorcycle. Please, for my imagination's sake, tell me you are wearing a leather jacket."

"What else would I be wearing?"

"Yup, that will do it. Thinking if you in a nothing but a leather jacket, fucking me over your motorcycle. I'm all set for after this phone call." The words cause Kara to swerve just a little. She swallows.

"And now I wish I was at home. Damn you Lena Luthor."

"Sorry babe."

"So was there a purpose to this call? I'm not all that fond of talking while driving even if its hands-free."

"Then why did you pick up?"

"Because it's you and I miss the sound of your voice."

"I don't deserve you, Kara Danvers."

"Trust me, you deserve good in your life. And this is good. We are good."

"And now you are being way too sweet for what I was hoping my fantasy would be before."

"Has that stopped you before?"

"True. Anyway, the reason is that something came up and you can't come to see me this weekend. I'm sorry, Jess just told me."

"Oh," Kara was really looking forward to clearing her head with a trip to the Netherlands, where Lena was now.

"I'll try and figure some other time you could come. Maybe when we go to Greece."

"Yeah maybe." Kara hits the breaks when someone cuts her off, horns honk as the idiot crosses into another lane.

"Shit. Okay, Lena, I have to go. I'll call you later."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too. Be safe."

"You too." A beat of silence then the line goes dead. The pause was filled with words Kara wanted to say so badly but just knew it would scare Lena off. Three words that would cause her to disappear and Kara couldn't bear that thought.

"Power Girl, we have a bank robbery just three blocks from you." Winn's voice intrudes her thoughts.

"I'm in street clothes Winn. Where can I change?"

"Hold on, hacking traffic cams... turn right and halfway down the block, against the wall." Kara makes the turn.

"You have got to be kidding me." She says when she sees it.

"Don't worry, it's all boarded up and out of commission."

"Its a phone booth Winn."

"It's either that or let them get away." Kara sighs and pulls her bike onto the sidewalk next to it.

"But it's a phone booth."

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