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February 26th, 2018

Apparently, Kara no longer lived in her apartment. Lena found out the hard way when a squat Italian woman yelled at her until Lena responded flawlessly with an apology in her native tongue. The woman then made her come inside and sent her off with homemade cannolis. Lena didn't want to call Kara and risk being ignored. This conversation had to happen face-to-face. Lena's next stop was Kara's gym. It was the only other place she could think of to find her since she was too tired to pay attention to where Lena could only assume her 'hideout' was.

Her driver was one of the agents assigned to her in a nondescript black SUV. He took her to the gym and waited in the idling car while Lena went inside. She was impressed. The building was spacious. Free weights stood near the front. Various cardio machines lined the center. Off to the side was a partially walled off room boasting of a 30-minute ab workout. At the back was the second set of doors. Above it was simply a sign saying 'The Box'. The whole room was brightly lit. Blue was the predominant color but red and white accented it. On the walls were large printouts of different fighters from early boxing to modern MMA fighters. Lena even spotted a few of Kara.

The girl working the front desk looked young, probably a high schooler working a part-time job. She looked up at Lena expectantly but then realized she didn't recognize the person walking in.

"Hi! Welcome to the Power House. Are you here to sign up for a membership?" She asked brightly.

"Ah, no. I'm actually looking for Kara. Kara Danvers."

"Did you have an appointment?" Lena almost laughed at the absurdity of needing an appointment with Kara. But she supposed Kara couldn't meet with everyone trying to join her gym, most of which were probably fans of hers.

"No. I'm an... old friend. But I'm only in town for a few days and I need to talk to her about something."

"Let me see if she can see you." The girl dials the phone at the desk and waits as it rings. Lena watches the people in the gym. It's not very busy considering it is still early on a Monday morning. Two burly men puff out harsh breaths while using free weights. One woman is cycling away on a stationary bike while two others gossip on stair climbers. She can hear music seeping through the doors of 'The Box.'

"Hey Coach K. There is a woman here to see you."

"Who is it?" Lena hears the faint question.

"Hold on, sorry I don't get your name." The girl directs the last part at Lena. Lena debates giving the girl the fake name she usually uses but decided against it.

"Lena Luthor."

"Le-Lena Luthor." She repeats, shocked.

"Oh! Send her to my office." Kara says a little louder and more excited, Lena thinks. The girl points Lena to a door at the end of the room labeled 'K. Danvers, Owner.' The girl looks after Lena with a mixer of awe, confusion, and excitement. Lene ignores her and walks to Kara's office. She hesitates outside, taking a deep breath before turning the cold metal knob.

She enters the simple office. Kara awkwardly stands behind her desk rolling chair, hands resting on the back. She looks hesitant. Lena takes in the new room. The bare walls only have a few posters from what looks like early in Kara's career. A simple computer monitor sits in the desk with a few photo frames facing away from Lena. Behind the desk is a bookshelf full of different health and exercise books and Kara's trophies. Kara clears her throat.

"Hey. I didn't know if you would want to talk so soon. I know everything... it just must be a lot." Kara looks more awkward then Lena has ever seen her. Lena lets out a harsh laugh.

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