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April 28th, 2018

Lena tries Kara's cell one last time, scanning the room as panic grows. After five minutes, she had grown irritated, after ten, worry had begun to gnaw at her, now it had been fifteen and Lena had called Kara four times while asking patrons and bartenders alike if they had seen her. No one had. The bartender waved her in the direction of the manager's office. It was locked and dark. The schedule posted outside the door said he was off today. Finally, Lena gives in and calls Alex, cringing as it rings to voicemail. She calls again immediately.

"What Luthor?" Alex asks irritably, clearly being interrupted and sounding a bit breathless.

"K-Kara.." Lena's eyes dart around the bar again,

"What about Kara?" Alex bites through a gasp.

"She... she..."

"Lena, what is it?" Worry starts to tint Alex's voice.

"She's missing"

"What do you mean?"

"She went into the bar for my jacket and never came back. No one has seen her. She's just gone. She won't answer her phone either."

"Are you sure she isn't doing her night job?"

"And just left me standing on a sidewalk, alone, drunk, in front of the bar?"

"Shit, your right. Okay. Stay right there. Sam is on her way to get you in a Lift and take you back to the hotel. Don't go anywhere alone. I'll head into work and see if we can pull security feeds."

"Okay. Alex?"


"I'm worried."

"Me too. But let's try to keep level heads, okay?"



April 29th, 2018

Kara's head throbbed; man, she drank way too much last night. Then she remembers she didn't drink at all. Her eyes snapped open and immediately shut under the harsh fluorescent lighting. The fuzzy images of being drugged in the manager's office pull at the edge of Kara's brain but she can't make out the face of whoever it was. Kara moves to sit up and rub her eyes, something heavy clanks as she lifts her arms.

"What the..."

Manacles clasp around both wrists with a heavy chain, another chain leads to between her legs and the manacles around her ankles. Already the skin of her wrists was tinged red with irritation. It takes effort for Kara to focus her eyes through the pounding of her head. She's in a small, bare room with only one light above her. The stench makes her think it used to be a janitor's closet of some kind. A harsh mixture of chemicals and mildew. Kara groans and rubs her temples. The door bangs open, making her wince and shrink away from the noise.

"Marvelous, you're awake. I was worried that my dear Corben here had used too much." Kara looks up at the voice sending chills through her. She knows that voice. She's heard it before. From Lena's hotel room.

"Veronica," Kara growls out.

"Wonderful, you do remember me." Veronica's smirk sits like poison in Kara's stomach. Instead of responding, Kara just glares at the woman lording over her. The figure behind her steps into the light as well. A man Kara had beat in the ring a couple of times, John Corben. He was the best of the underground fighters until Kara showed up.

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