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March 12, 2018

Kara punches the man in front of her, she feels his jaw give way before sweeping his leg so that he falls and hits his head on the ground. He loses conscious instantly. In a rush, she makes for the computer, attempting to plug in the drive so Winn can recover anything to lead to Lillian Luthor. She hoped to catch her before Lex's trial but the window was closing fast with Lillian being like dust in the wind. Lights were flashing as the screen showed the growing percentage of deleted content. After flipping the drive twice it finally goes in. Winn chimes in her earpiece.

"I'm connected. But I don't think I'm going to get much, most of the files are corrupted." Kara groans. It was too hard to find this base and get in for them to walk away with nothing.

"I got all I could. The police are on the way, someone called in the gunshots. Get out of there."

Kara grabs the flash drive and runs through the empty back hallways, stepping over a few unconscious men. She makes it to her bike and out of the warehouse compound as she hears sirens in the distance. She calls the detectives number and waits for her to pick up.

"So I take it the gunshots are Cadmus related?" Maggie asks.

"Detective, no greeting? I thought we were friends."

"Can't be friends if I don't know your actual name."

"Touche. There are Cadmus thugs in that warehouse and a weapons stache. But all the computer systems have been wiped. I'll let you know if we recover anything."

"Thanks Power Girl."


Kara weaves her way through the city before zipping into the underground garage just as the sun was beginning to rise and turning the bike off. She takes off her helmet and shakes out her hair, scratching her scalp in an effort to get rid of the helmet hair. She unzips the riding jacket and freezes when she feels eyes on her.

"Well, I'm glad I saw that," Lena says from Winn's spinning chair. Kara laughs and goes to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Hey Lee, what are you doing here?"

"Winn let me in your super secret side door."

"Well I hoped Winn let you in, otherwise I really have to look at my security. But what are you doing here? No offense but the last time we had one-on-one time here it did not end so well."

"I needed to talk to you."

"Okay..." Kara leans against the center console and sets her water down.

"Look, Kara, I've been thinking, and I am glad to have you in my life again. I am so glad we have been building something together again."

"I hear a really big but coming."

"But I am going back home next week."

"Oh." Kara walks towards her corner of the base to hang up her jacket on the back of her dining chair. Lena watches her walk away and gives her space before following a few moments later. She stands silently, unsure of what to do with her hands.

"Kara?" Lena watches her take a deep breath. She turns to face her with the biggest fake smile Lena has ever seen.

"It's fine Lena. I mean of course, you have to go. It's fine."

"I appreciate you trying to make this better, but it's not fine. I know we have a lot to work through still but I also need to be with my family, and I have been itching to get back in the studio. I need to be in that supportive environment and I can't be alone here in National City. But I don't want whatever we have going to end." Lena takes a step closer to Kara. Kara sits on her dining table chair and motions for Lena to join her. Lena sits next to her, shoulders slightly hunched.

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