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August 8th, 2017

Elena was right. The address she sent Kara was at a giant building that contained all different kinds of companies. Kara couldn't even begin to guess where Elena would be. Kara stands outside and checks her phone again, she realizes Elena never sent a floor or a room. Kara decides to call her.

"Miss Danvers?" Kara turns to see a dark-skinned woman in a plaid skirt and white shirt and holding a tablet. A blue tooth is tucked in her ear.


"Hello, I'm Miss L...Elena's assistant, Jessica. She sent me to get you when you arrived."


"Yes, Miss Danvers. Now follow me and I'll take you up to her."

They walk into the large marble foyer of the building. Different signs point towards stairs and elevators with different companies on each floor. It's a lot to take in as Kara follows Jessica. They get in the elevator and Jessica presses the floor button. The doors slide shut. Kara sees Jessica each up and touch a button on the Bluetooth.

"Yes? Yes, her interview is tomorrow at one. No she doesn't want to add anymore. Why? Because this is the first time she has had time off in over a year? No I don't need to ask her. Because I don't work for you." Jessica hangs up without a goodbye. What had Kara gotten herself into?

"Sorry about that. Sometimes being cross with people is the only way for them to listen."

"Was that about Elena?" Jess looks a little sheepish.

"Yes. It will probably make more sense in about two minutes." Kara nods.

The elevator slows to a stop and Kara follows Jessica out. They walk past a receptionist desk and down a hallway. The hallway is lined with various signed posters. Kara thought that was odd. Big named stars hung on either side. Before Kara can ask Jessica about it, Jessica opens a door and music pours out.

"Miss Danvers. I know it's not really my place and Elena is my boss, but thank you. Whatever meeting you did, whatever it means, this is the happiest I have seen her in a long time."

"I... I can see that she is hurting from something. But I don't know, I like her. And..." Kara struggles to respond.

"I'm glad you do. Now follow me."

Kara follows her in and is in what appears to be a sound booth. Bass thrums through the speakers overlaid with various sounds.

I sold my soul to a three-piece
And he told me I was holy
He's got me down on both knees
But it's the devil that's tryna

Hold me down, hold me down
Sneaking out the back door, make no sound
Knock me out, knock me out
Saying that I want more, this is what I live for

Hold me down, hold me down
Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown
Knock me out, knock me out
Saying that I want more, this is what I live for

Kara's mouth falls open as she looks through the glass to the other room. Standing in the center of the room, was Elena. Headphones on her ears, eyes closed as she sang into the mic hanging from above. But it isn't Elena. The woman in front of her is clean cut, so much more put together than the messy bunned, sweatshirt wearing, girl Kara spent the last two days with. She looked more like the girl who showed up for dinner but without the glasses obscuring her face. This was Lena Luthor.

Kara stood staring until song ends. Lena looks into the booth as the guy sitting at the soundboard gives her a thumbs up. Lena's eyes flick to Kara and she clears her throat.

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