Chapter 3: Shit hits the fan *(Warning profanity...)*

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~~~~~~~~~~Melody's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

"Midnight! I'm home!!" I called out to her looking super happy.

She and Tyler (Her boyfriend and Cole's Best Friend) came downstairs and Tyler asked in a suave tone "Sooooo.... How was your date with Cole??"

I blushed furiously and stuttered more than said "I-it w-was-s n-no-ot-t a-a-a da-a-t-te!"

"Riiiighhtttt what ever floats your boat or what ever helps you sleep at night or somethin...." he said in a confused and calm matter.

Jeez he seems really pushy tonight. I said "Umm I'm going to get ready for bed, g-night!" My face still scarlet thinking of our hangout.

"Okay we will respect that lil sis!" Midnight chirped looking super cheerful. I ran upstairs before they could tease me and got ready for bed. Looking at the alarm clock I saw it was 9:30. I laid down and passed out almost immediately and I had the best dream ever.

Ha that's funny how it turned out to be the worst, I was running down a really dark and long hallway. Lights were flickering on and off slowly. Red tinted some of my vision. Words horrible words carved into the walls. I felt a stick substance run down my torso, my arms and thighs. Blood pounding in my head, a sinking feeling in my stomach and heart. A galaxy light reflected onto the walls illuminating the hallway and showing the words, I rush around the corner and see a single light in the center of the room. In the light is Cole, and his group. Not including Jeremy. I hear laughter, it roars louder as I get closer. And all I hear is taunting because of the fact I'm not human. Tears pool in my eyes until-
BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! I woke with a start then got mad at the alarm and shut it off looking super pissed because of my dream as Midnight walked in with our coffees/lattes.

She questioned me, as I glared at the alarm clock "Why u mad bro??" and started laughing but then said "Seriously what is wrong you look extra pissed of this morning"

I mumbled out the details of my dream and what Cole said. After I finished my ramble-rant I calmed and looked up, she hugged me.
"My poor emotional unstable bunny"
I looked at her again and saw her golden red orange eyes.
"Ya know, he might not be worth it Mel. Ya gotta let go, it's been twelve years."
"I know, but I can't help it." I say as a tear streaks down my cheek and I thank her for the coffee and gets ready for school. I hear her on the phone w/ someone. Something about me but I ignored it and got ready. Showering, brushing my hair, etc etc

I wore my Dark Purple converse, Dark Blue Blouse w/ my black hoodie,with my eyemask, a Dark blue skirt, and my stylishly ripped leggings. My headphones, phone, and My backpack in my hand I put it on and Head phones and phone in my pocket. My sister wore the same thing in pastel except the hoodie and mask. She helped me with my make up and we drove to Centreal High. When we arrived Cole and Tyler were waiting for us at the front of the school. I blushed and tears pooled in my eyes again. This all happened as we exit the car and walk into the school together. Cole noticed I was quieter than ever before. Good thing my sister has magic make up. She said that it wouldn't come off unless I wanted it to. I was crying under my eye mask and he couldn't tell but pointed my strange behavior out to Midnight and Tyler. They ushered me away for a second and told me everything would be okay. I couldn't help but believing them. Cole asked Tyler is I was okay and he basically lied for me not mentioning the dream at all. I silently told Tyler thanks and he nodded, his eyes telling me No prob my future little sister. I couldn't be more grateful for my sister to be marring this guy in a few months. I greatfully looked at her engagement ring placed perfectly on her finger.

We talked and acted like everything was normal, but it isn't. I acted like I was fine but I saw him text a girl when he thought my back was turned, when I got back after my comfort session, My heart shattered more than a broken mirror right after that. Of course being the excellent actress I was he didn't notice, but Midnight and Tyler did.

After we went our separate ways they texted "Every thing alright?? " I told them no he is dating someone else. They said okay we will leave you alone, and so she sat in the computer lab alone and listened to music as one of Cole's Friends, the girl he texted, spied on me and saw what music I liked.
~~~Third Person~~~
The bell rang an hour later and she got up and walked to her English class (1rst Period) and what she saw Mortified her Cole was in her ENGLISH CLASS RIGHT NEXT TO HER SEAT!! She decided to move a table away and stayed in the back of the class and listened to her teacher's lecture and took notes. When the teacher asked Melody a question on the topic she blushed red and (not shockingly) already knew the answer. She stumbled the answered the question hoping that their attention would turn away from her. It did but then the teacher assigned partners for a major project in the class. Thankfully she was called last and was paired up with the last person she thought of 'Cole Waters you will be working with Melody Angels.' The teacher made it very clear that her decision was final.

When the teacher said this all of the attention flew to her, she peered down and they all mumbled in a low voice "Aww poor Cole, Why did she pair him up with the school shooting freak? Why not with us?? He deserves better than that freak show and lame excuse for a human being."

She heard this alot and she snapped at everyone "LOOK I KNOW I'M A FREAK YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCKING REMIND ME EVERY DAY! I'M SICK OF IT! ARE YOU ALL HAPPY WITH YOURSELVES?!" They all froze and she hollered "YEAH I KNOW YOU ALL ARE GO AHEAD TELL ME TO MY FACE!! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" She grabbed stuff and ran out of the class as fast as she possibly could being in a very distraught mood.

When she left the class she ran to the bathroom and cried her eyes out and she remained there until second period. She left after the bell rang and continued her classes and when lunch started she went to her English class and talked to her teacher and apologized for flipping out like she did. Her English teacher said it was okay and showed her video that she secretly recorded about what happened after she stormed out of the class crying.

She saw that her teacher (cue authors forgetting the name xD) got mad herself and asked in a demanding tone, not giving a shit about her composer anymore, "Why did you do that?! I don't know how to react to this, it was not called for! You are all a bunch of over dramatic jerks! I hope you are happy with your selves!!" Afterwards dismissed them early as she stomped off to talk to the principal about what happened in class. The video clip ended and Melody was at a loss for words, she excused herself and left to hide.

Melody went back to her safe spot and thought when she saw Cole approach Ugh what does he want now? Didn't he look proud when he saw me storm out, like he wanted me to. I just can't away from him can she??

"What do you want from me now?! Why are you not with your GIRLFRIEND?! Why are you not with your friends and girlfriend making fun of me?!" She yelled as angry and emotionally hurt tears streamed down her face like liquid fire burning on her skin.
Not giving two shits she hit the tree by accident with all of her strength and split the trunk of course it was an accident but she was to enraged and once again ran off.

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