Chapter 2: After School Hangout in a Meadow and Ice Cream Shop. (Edited)

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~~~~~~~~~~Cole's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

  As he rushed to his locker he got a text. He got his stuff and walked home since it was not far. When he got home he went upstairs and checked his texts and it showed Melody's number. 

Melody: Hey. It is me, Melody, I honestly don't know how long until you respond... Not that it matters... Anyways I guess I am checking if you are okay. In class, you looked upset and when you left for your locker I saw you looked like you were about to cry or something. I guess I'm here because I think that is what friends do. 

Cole: Oh Hey, I'm fine. Sorry, it took so long to respond umm I walked home before I read the message. Sorry if I scared you though I was just in thought.

Melody: Oh no its fine I'm just worried about you but why are you apologizing so much?

Cole: Oh uh--Sorry I just never really had a friend before? I don't understand this friendship thing and I'm sorry about that.

Melody: You keep apologizing... It's fine though. Hey umm, do you want to hang out or something? You don't have to say yes though just wondering.

Cole: YES! I m-mean yeah sure where should we go??

Melody: I have an idea. Umm, can you go to 13406 Tulip Way?

Cole: Yeah. I live on Tulip Way. I'll Be there in like 2-3 Minutes. 

Melody: Okay. I'm already there. It is where I live actually.

~~~~~~~~~~Melody's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

I guess he is coming here... Umm I guess I'm ready. 

She takes her headphones, Phone, Hoodie, and wallet and sees him walk up. Her hoodie and mask was on so he couldn't see her hair, eyes, and scars. He doesn't even know what I look like and he is hanging out with me... Wow, WAIT Why am I thinking about letting him see my eyes, hair, and scars!? AM I STUPID IF HE SEES THAT HE WILL HATE ME! He walks up to her and scares her from her thoughts. He questions "You ready?" 

She replies "Yep also I have to blindfold you I'm sorry that is how I'll keep it a surprise." He reluctantly agrees and puts it on.

~~~~~~~~~~Cole's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

      He can't see a thing which is good so she grabs his wrist and leads him to the field near an ice cream shop. She has him sit and stay and she buys them Ice cream. "You can take off the blind now." She says calmly He takes it off and she hands him some ice cream and his face lights up. 


"U-uhh I just guessed." She lied and her face became light red. Her thoughts wandered back to a text conversation Jeremy and Melody had, He told her Cole's favorite flavor of Ice cream by accident because he also has a crush on Cole. Her thoughts were interrupted by Cole hugging her and said "You are really amazing. Why have I never met you sooner!? But I have a question"

 "Okay shoot cutie." He blushes red at her nickname but asks shyly "M-may I-i-i s-s-see y-your face? Like umm lower the hood and remove the mask please?" 

She reluctantly removes the mask and lowers the hood. He sees what she looks like and is in awe Yeah... she is too perfect for me. She really is. Her rose gold hair shimmered in the sunlight and her sapphire blue eyes are sharp, bold, and stunning like he could get lost in them forever. She requested "Umm can I put them back on?" 

He jumped back and said "O-oh If you want to" He blushed scarlet and she put them back on. He apologized and kept in his head OH MY GODS SHE IS A GODDESS SHE IS FREAKIN REALLY PALE BUT SHE LOOKS SOO SWEET WAIT Do I like her...? Y-yeah I think so. She is super kind and misunderstood. 

They finished their ice cream and then parted ways, each leaving to their respective homes on Tulip way. He texts his friend Tyler, He is his only true friend except for Melody, He tells him about the hangout and what she looks like and told him about his crush on her. He made Tyler swear that he won't say anything about this. Around 9:30 pm Cole plugged in his phone and went to sleep after his nightly routines.

A/N: Sorry It is really short but I have some news. I have a friend who is trying to help me and Her User is Bittersweet_Pastel I think that is how it is spelled. Please check her out She is a really cool person so Shout out to her! Also the character Midnight I'm basing off of her sort of. LOVE YOU LIKE A FRIEND MATTI! <3 Another Person is my online sister and She calls herself Midnight so I asked her if I could borrow the name and she said yes sooo... HAVE A GOOD DAY AND NIGHT MY SNOWFLAKES!! Cya in the next part! :P

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