AN: Okay this is going to be good!!

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Hey guys Snow heere! and I have some news on Depressed!! I am getting places with the story and I feel so proud of how far I am getting. I really want to thank every single person who took time out of their day and life just to read my story. We are getting very close to 400 reads so I want to thank every individual person for reading this crap that I called a story.

There is one very special person though in particular that I want to make feel the most special. She is very amazing in every way possible and she also happens to be My girlfriend. Yes you heard that right I, Snow and your friendly neighborhood pan, has a girlfriend. She makes me feel special everyday by shining brighter than the sun and or moon. She was the very first person I thought of when I started to write Depressed. She has been my best friend for almost 8 years now as well and I am so thankful to her being one of the only people I can talk to. I want to thank her for being the sun in my life, she makes me feel better. She also saved my life (Or ruined my death whichever one works) She is maybe the first one to read my story and she is the one that I basically love most. Thank you so much for being here for me every day. Thank you for being my best friend for so long. Thank you for trying to help me with my anxiety and depression. Thank you for keeping me alive, Thank you for being with me in the darkest times, Thank you for standing by my side. Thank you all, everyone, so much for reading this crappy story. Also some one asked me this question which inspired me to write this chapter "What did I even do to deserve you?" and so I want to answer that question here and now.

1. You have stuck by my side every day for the past 8 years

2. You have been such an amazing person in my life for that long period of time

3. You have been yourself and you have been keeping me alive every day

4. You helped me create a story that I never had the courage to completely write out and publish it.

5. You have always and I mean always have been so beautiful in every single way possible

6. You stuck with me even through the darker times and I am very grateful for that.

7. You have just been yourself and I love you so much for that.

8. You are helping me get through the hell known as Middle School.

9. You have just been the brightest ray of sunshine and try to look for the positive in everything...

So now I want to thank everyone for reading this really crappy excuse for a story... So if anyone has any questions feel free to ask and I will answer. New chapters will be out As soon as possible. Have a nice day my snowflakes!!

<3 Snow

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