Chapter 5: The School Shooting *Warning Profanity*

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~~~~~~~~~~Cole's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up at 6 AM as always and decided to get ready for school, Even though I hate all of it now. Melody is not in my life anymore, well I think. She hates me and that is okay. I mean it's not like I care, anymore, I was at the school by 7:00 AM and I saw Tyler run up to me. I glanced up and he started to shout my name, I felt him try to wrap his arms around me but I shoved him off of me. He looked shocked as I glared angrily at him and snapped "Get the hell off of me Tyler!". I stomped off as he started to tear up watching me storm off.

I throw myself on the floor of the bathroom and internally beat myself up. I decide to hide in a stall and cut again, for the second time this week. I pull out the familiar blade and put it up to my skin. I feel it cool on my skin as I push hard enough to draw blood, I drag it along in lines that scatter my forearm.

 I keep going until someone walks in and I wrap my arms up and hide my blade in the secret pocket in my backpack. I see that Tyler was the one who walked in, so keeping my head down I go and hide in my hidden fort in the school. I walk up several staircases and try and make sure I am not being followed. I make it to my fort and hide out for a while, waiting for school to start. A half hour passes and I hear the emergency alarm sound off and I know what is happening, a school shooting with potential kidnapping. I keep myself in my fort and I have enough supplies to last me a long time: food, water, a place to use the restroom, extra things to keep my phone alive, etc. I even know how to get to the generator easily without being spotted.

I make sure that the area is secure and hidden enough to sleep in, and then I pass out and dream of my own fantasy world. It involves Melody and I sharing our first kiss, and it has us just being a happy couple., but it is slowly interrupted by a nightmare about how oblivious I am to a problem that I have no idea that she has, she says she is fine, even though she was obviously wasn't. She dies on our one month anniversary of our first kiss, and it tears me apart. I kept thinking to myself that it is my fault she died. I kept repeating this thought in my mind repeatedly as I slept, I cried and such thinking that she hates me and wants me dead as she was in the dream; I would wish it would end if knowledge of me being unconscious in my sleepy world. I wake up with tears in my eyes, breathing heavily to remember it was only a dream and I decide to check what time it is.

It is about noon and the lockdown has not ended yet. I hear the trapdoor to my hideout rattling like something or someone is there, trying to get in. I go silent and I pull out an old baseball bat and hold it up defensively. I hear it creak open and I crouch down peering and looked over to find a shadowy figure is standing near the entrance of my little hide-away. I hear a soft raspy-ish voice call out "Is anyone here? Cole..?" Her voice sounded like it has not spoken over a whisper in hours. I start freaking out silently, wondering how it was possible for someone to know I was here, because no one and I mean no one knew this is my hideout. I saw the shadow move closer to me with confusion written on her face, after squinting through the dark I knew that it was Midnight and I called out to her "Yeah I am here, Midnight."

She glanced over and saw me, she walked up slowly to add some 'dramatic effect' and she hugged me, it was gentle and warm. Very soon after I felt warm droplets on my back as I heard soft sobs "Thank goodness you are okay, I was so worried." she told me, her voice cracking through her very heavy sobs. I just looked at her and my eyes were empty, I knew something she did not; Melody hates me.

She had no idea why my eyes looked so...broken. She opened her mouth to tell me to come with her to see Tyler and Melody but I cut her off harshly "Don't you dare tell anyone about this spot, also I won't go with you. I am staying here got it?!" I basically snarled at her. She looked at me upset and nodded.

She walked out to the trapdoor and mumbled one last bit of information "Well the shooting is over and we now have the rest of the day off."

I gently thanked her and we left, parting ways. I ran home alone, whilst hearing Tyler begging for me to slow down, I heard his footsteps louder. This is not good. I ran faster and threw myself into the house and locked the door. I hear his fists pound on the wood and my mother letting him in. Fuck... Shit, HA THE WINDOW!! I slip out of my room through the window and leave the house without being followed. Which was a miracle, but I need to stay hidden. I hear my phone buzz in my pocket and I stopped and hid in an alley and checked the text: It was from Tyler "Please answer my call." All of the sudden my phone rings and it shows Tyler's contact name telling me he is calling. In the split seconds that I knew he was calling I hung up on him. I had to stay hidden for a while, but at the same time I could run into the fucking shooter. I made a swift decision and ran to my own home, praying Tyler was not there.

Sorry this seems short but... Umm this is what I have for Chapter Five!! <3 Snow

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