A/N: Hey, It has been some time

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(420 words pub at 4:20) I am so sorry guys that it is taking me so long to update but I have some things in the story line I desperately need to change!! I know this should have been published sooner but bear with me, I am in another state right now with family meaning I have less time to write. I am still trying and I have drafts for upcoming chapters I promise. On that topic I will add chapters to make the fight longer and add more detail into the school year for the characters in Depressed. I also feel like I need to apologize for not updating See The Light Love in like ages... It has really been so long since I have updated that. I am so sorry and I don't know how to make it up to you all. You all mean so much to me and I want to apologize for the long wait and Thank you for being patient and not blowing me up with "UPDATE NOW!!" or "WHEN THE F*CK ARE YOU GOING TO STOP BEING A LAZY *SS B*TCH AND UPDATE?!" Trust me I have seen this happen to other Authors, and I feel bad for them. I also feel bad for the people I am close with because alot of people I knew I became distant with... I am not mentioning names but someone I have kept in touch with after I moved to where I am living, not visiting, She and a couple other people that I know I have no idea how to talk to them anymore. I feel bad for all the pain I put you all through because I know I am a terrible writer and I feel like I am torturing you all by keeping my work published.

But I need to know something, Should I put See The Light Love on hold or no... I need some help deciding... and I need to know so I know if or not I have more time for Depressed or should I focus on only See The Light Love or what??? Also I feel so stupid for not mentioning this before but we hit over 300 reads! To be honest I thought I would never get this far so thank you all for reading and Let me know what should I do about STLL. The dealine for the Art has not hit yet so its not too late to send in some art!! HAVE A GOOD DAY AND NIGHT!! Bye Bye guys!! Snow<3

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