Chapter 7: Jeremy Forgiven?! *Profanity*

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(This is the continuation of Anymore, Chapter 6, Depressed... Enjoy!! and Yes I is evil.. hehehe...   -Snow)

~~~~~~~~~~Cole's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

I knew that Jeremy was up to something... so I am waiting for him to get to the point of his long ramble. I am not going to interrupt him because I know he hates me so I am excited for him to finally admit that... It's now or never to hear him say these words that I hated to hear.

"C-Cole..." He mumbled.

"What is it, Jeremy," I asked not wanting to him to tell me he hates me...

~~~~~~~~~~Jeremy's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

This is it... I am going to tell him the truth... Why I was always an asshole to him... Because I was scared he hated me. "C-Cole... I...."

"Rizo... Get to the fucking point." He stated harshly. I wanted to cry... to abandon ship... But I needed to say this.

"Cole I LOVE YOU!!" I screamed in fear and I kissed him. He pushed me away really hard.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN!? YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST KISS ME AND EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU FOR ALL THE BULLSHIT YOU HAVE DONE OVER THE YEARS!?! HELL NO! THIS IS REALITY! BESIDES YOU LED ME ON FOR FUCKING YEARS JEREMY!! IM DONE FUCKING WAITING FOR YOU TO STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE AND WAITING FOR A FANTASY!!" He snapped at me. He turned on his heel and left me alone... Heartbroken and alone. I started to cry on the floor alone... I fucked up big time. I sat alone shaking and choking back sobs in my throat. I sat there until my mother walked into the room and she hugged me out of nowhere.

"What's wrong Jere... Should I call Cole to come over??" My mom asked

"N-no... He is the cause of this..." I mumbled She looked at me shocked.

"What happened between you two??" she asked earnestly.

"I-I-I t-told C-Cole... That I l-like h-hi-im.." I stumbled out through my sobs.

"And...? I thought he loved you like that too... He told me about it the other day." She told me

"H-he d-does...? w-why did he f-flip out then??" I asked.

"I have no idea... I can ask him if you want?" She responded gratefully.

"Thanks, mom... your the best." I looked up to her and hugged her.

"No Problem Jeremy." She turned around and left me alone.

~~~~~~~~~~Amber's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

I walked over to the phone to call Cole and see how he is doing.

"Hello??" I hear his voice hoarse and scratchy from Crying and yelling... He also sounded dehydrated.

"Hey, Cole? Are you okay??" I asked genuinely.

"Yeah... I am fine." He answered honestly

"FALSEHOOD!! Tell me what happened Cole?!?" I interviewed him over the phone.

We talked on the phone for a half hour, about the situation that he has. I felt bad for Cole and I wanted to help him get out of this. But I had no idea how to help him... I instead invited him over. He was grateful for me having him over. Maybe Cole and Jeremy could become a couple. Maybe... just maybe after all I can still hope. 

A few minutes pass by and I hear a knock at the door. I go to answer it, and thankfully it is Cole. I let him in and have him sit down on the couch. I call Jeremy downstairs and when the two males look into each other's eyes Jeremy goes white in the face and Cole just gives him a death glare. I felt bad and so I decided to take action and hope it helps the situation. "Cole and Jeremy... I asked you both here so we can fix the situation that you two are in." I try to keep my voice steady and tried not to show fear. I look up and they both shake their heads in disagreement... I have to force this I guess... I really hope this works out for the best.

~~~~~~~~~~Third Person P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

They all sat down on the couch... Amber felt the tension almost immediately, mainly because of how thick the tension was. It is like you could cut the air with a knife. "What do you want Amber?! Why did you invite me here?!" Cole asked clearly irritated. You could just tell by how cold he sounded.

"Cole... I know what is wrong! I am trying to help you fix one thing that you told me about!" She sounded desperate.

"LISTEN I DO NOT NEED YOUR HELP! AMBER YOU DON'T NEED TO BUTT INTO MY LIFE!! I. AM. FINE!" Cole yelled, getting more and more irritated by the moment.


"Actually I can because SHE RAISED YOU TO BE A SHITTY PERSON!" Cole laced venom in his words.

"OKAY, THAT IS ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU!!" Amber started "Cole what do you mean 'She raised you to be a shitty person'?? He has always been kind to you."

"No, he hasn't... He never has.." Cole's face darkened while he said this. Amber's face morphed into complete shock.

"H-He hasn't??" She asked genuinely curious as to why her son lied to her, and Cole's mother... and Cole.

"He has not. He bullied me everyday... for years... Blackmailed me to say he was nice to me" Cole started, mumbling the last part to himself.

"Jeremy?! Is this true??!!" She barked, praying it was just a joke. Of course, it wasn't a joke.

"Yes... It is... I did this..." Jeremy muttered and Cole looked at her with an "I told you" face. She looked disappointed in Jeremy.

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" She screamed at him. She thought he loved Cole... She raised him better than this

"BECAUSE I FELT TERRIBLE THAT I LOVED HIM! WHEN HE CAME OUT TO ME I MADE FUN OF HIM BECAUSE I WAS SCARED! SCARED THAT HE LOVED SOMEONE ELSE! SCARED HE WOULD HATE ME!!" Jeremy screamed through his tears that he was choking back. Cole looked at Jeremy shocked more shocked than the time he was surprised with a party when I was six. All of the sudden Cole ran up and hugged Jeremy. It was a warm hug full of protection and love.

~~~~~~~~~~Cole's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

I hugged Jeremy hoping it would help him. I have loved him for years now, and I will admit it to him now... I hope he is not joking about loving me back. "J-Jere... I am sorry for freaking out... I.... love you so much... I have for many years." He looked at me with confusion etched on his beautiful face... I sighed and grabbed his cheeks, pulling him into a gentle kiss. I felt him kiss back after 2 seconds and we held it until we heard louder than hell screeching. We pulled away swiftly, faces rivaling tomatoes and beating them. It was silent for two minutes until I heard the following.

"C-Cole...? Will you be the boyf to my riend?" Jeremy mumbled to me shyly. I just chuckled and nodded. I knew how obsessed with musicals he is. I felt his hand intertwined with mine softly. I smiled a small but meaningful smile, one of the most genuine in a while.

Amber looked at us and then the time and yelped from nowhere "Oh my stars I will be late for work!! Bye boys! I will be back later! DON'T FORGET PROTECTION BOYS!!" She joked at the last bit. The boys went redder in the face, if humanly possible, and started to choke on their own saliva... 

That night they hung out and watched movies, cuddling under a really soft and fluffy comforter. They beinged Disney movies and musicals, screaming the lyrics to each song at the top of their lungs. They had the night of their lives, cuddling, listening to musicals... Let's just say Jeremy Rizo was forgiven by his mother and Cole.

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