Chapter 8: Good For You!!! {WIP}

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A/N: Warning Profanity, angst, sarcasm, I forgot what else!! Enjoy mah doods.. :P

~~~~~~~~~~Melody's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

I hear my alarm go off because I hear the song "Starving" Play. I get up and get ready for school, feeling much worse today. I only spend a couple of minutes getting an outfit picked out. I wore a pair of dark grey jeggings, a white Cami top and My White and light grey plaid converse. I walked downstairs and grabbed my supplies for school and left the house. I walked to school and opened the front doors. I rushed to my locker and unlocked it, grabbing my books and closed it quite loudly. I went to English and sat in the back. The bell rang minutes later and I sat and paid attention and took notes. The topic was Broadway... Dear Evan Hansen and such..

I actually liked the topic that we were on! Our assignment for today was to write a song, and present by the end of the period! I worked alone on this because I knew I have this in the bag!! I write my own songs all of the time!

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skippy!!~~~~~~~~~~

We have five minutes remaining and it is my turn to present... Of course... Heere I go:
[Ill insert lyrics soon]

I finish and take my seat blushing while everyone gives me around applause because they feel pity for how bad I did.. I think. I packed up and the bell rang right after I finished... I rushed out of class and went to Science...

~~~~~~~~~~Time Yeet!!~~~~~~~~~~

It's now lunch and I went to my little forest area... I sat with Midnight and Tyler in peace until we saw Cole making out with the one and only Jeremy Rizo, my friend, at least now I know who he is dating... I just sat there, heart-shattering into millions of pieces slowly...

"Mel... Are you okay??" Tyler asked me, hoping I would not shout so we were not caught spying on the two boys.

"N-No... When...? I thought Cole was scared of him!?" I whisper shouted..

"We did too..." Tyler mumbled...

I wanted to cry, I was heartbroken... but I held it in... sadness turned into anger slowly and I thought of the best way of calling Cole out. Cole should have known he was leading me on! And to top all of this shit off HE DIDN'T TELL ME HE WAS GAY FOR MY BEST FRIEND JEREMY!! I was fuming by the end of lunch. I decided to call him out in the most boss way possible. I let Tyler and Midnight in on my plan... so now they know what the hell to do and when to do it... Tyler will ask Cole to hang out at the Meadow and We will call him out during this! I need to prepare my voice for some anger singing...

~~~~~~~~~~Tyler's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

It was the final period of the day, I shared it with Midnight and We had to prep some boss calling out. We are gonna sing the lyrics to "Good For You" from Dear Evan Hansen to Cole... I mean it makes a ton of sense... He fucked up, so we are gonna call him out on it. Midnight and I warmed up our voices during the entire period. About an hour of practice later the bell rang. We ran to catch up with Melody and I texted Cole.

Ty_The_Cy_Guy: Yo Cole?!

Cole_The_Fighter: Yeah Bro??

Ty_The_Cy_Guy: Umm Melody, Midnight, and I want to meet up with you... Could you come to the Meadow??

Cole_The_Fighter: Sure! I will be there soon!

Ty_The_Cy_Guy: Thx man!

~~~~~~~~~~Melody's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

Tyler just told us that Cole was coming... This is gonna be good! I am ready to let this anger lose... A few minutes pass and Cole is jogging up to the field. He sees us waiting for him... and He asks up "Why did you want to meet here??"

I just looked up to meet his eyes, My eyes portraying anger and betrayal... I finally started to sing out the lyrics. I was Heidi, Midnight was Alana, and Tyler was Jared for the vocals and lyrics.

"So you found a place where the grass is greener? And you jumped the fence to the other side! Is it good? Are they giving you a world I could never provide?" I voiced, my irises are dusted slightly with purple now, "Well I hope you're proud of your big decision! Yeah, I hope it's all that you want and more! Now you're free from the agonizing life you were living before..." I carried on angrily, Irises are darkening in color.

Cole looked confused and scared. "And you say what you need to say So that you get to walk away, It would kill you to have to stay trapped when you've got something new. Well, I'm sorry you had it rough, And I'm sorry I'm not enough!! Thank God they rescued you!! So you got what you always wanted. So you got your dream come true?! Good for you. Good for you, you, you!! Got a taste of a life so perfect. So you did what you had to do! Good for you!! Good for you!!" I continued glaring at him with anger, pain, and disgust; my irises slowly darkening.

Midnight started with sorrow that was equal to my anger and a strong pain in her voice "Does it cross your mind to be slightly sorry? Do you even care that you might be wrong? Was it fun? Well, I hope you had a blast while you dragged me along!!" Her irises started to change to the colors of sunsets. While tears brimmed her eyes and made them sparkle

Tyler's voice then continued the song, with the most pain, anger and a wave of sadness complete with disappointment "And you say what you need to say, And you play who you need to play. And if somebody's in your way crush! Them and leave them behind!!" Cole's eyes started to water and fill with tears. We were not going to stop there... Oh no ho ho ho.

Midnight and Tyler then harmonized and yelled "Well I guess if I'm not of use Go ahead, you can cut me loose!! Go ahead now, I won't mind!!" Midnight and Tyler dragged their finger along their neck, to make it look like he is cutting their throats, Cole looked like he was hurting a lot at this point.

"I'll shut my mouth and I'll let you go Is that good for you? Would that be good for you, you, you?" I continued sounding harsh, but a little gentler; My eyes are still changing.

Midnight and I then sang "I'll just sit back while you run the show Is that good for you? Would that be good for you, you, you?"

Tyler, Midnight and I repeated the same two lines while Cole yelled through his tears "All I need is some time to think But the boat is about to sink. Can't erase what I wrote in ink Tell me how could you change the story? All the words that I can't take back Like a train coming off the track 'Cause the rails and my bones all crack I've got to find a way to Stop it, stop it! Just let me off!"

Tyler Midnight and I then finally finished the song with one of the coldest, most angry tones we can muster... Which is painful to hear. Our eyes became vibrant, mine a galaxy collage, Midnight's a bright sunset, and Tyler's looked like the full moon. We then gave him a glare and his smile was wiped off his face... He finally knew we were being serious. He then tried to ask us why we sang that. But I cut him off "LISTEN UP COLE! YOU FUCKED UP! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?!"

He started to tear up... I continued harshly "WHY DID YOU LEAD ME ON LIKE THAT! YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL US THAT YOU AND JEREMY ARE DATING!! OR THAT YOU WERE GAY OR PAN OR BI OR WHAT THE FUCK EVER YOU ARE" I barked in frustration at him, trying my best to hide my vibrant galaxy colored irises. He saw them and looked at me fearfully. He then turned on his heels and ran away from us, sobbing heavily.

I let out a sigh and tried to hide my Galaxy colored eyes. I crumpled to the ground and landing on my knees. I choked back my tears and got up. My eyes vibrantly reflecting the galaxy beautifully...

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