A/N: Hear me out..

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Good morning, afternoon, evening whatever. I have some things to say. If you are new. Welcome. If your an old timer and have been around for a bit Welcome back. I'm here for quite a few reasons and none of them are to spread any hateful words or ideas. If you are from a specific account which I won't mention and are only here to spread hate or something. I really don't care what you do to me all I want is for you to hear me out okay? If you are one of my viewers and have no idea what this is about lemme bring you up to speed. And if you are from said account then lemme show you MY perspective. All I ask is ya hear me out and not jump to any conclusions or such.

My name is Snow, at least on here. I started posting ages ago when my best friend showed me the site. I was in absolute awe when I first saw it. I was reading a lot more now that I found this wonderful site thanks to her. That is not the account before mentioned. It's a whole different person. I mention this because I want you to be aware of my thoughts and such I guess. So after posting my first story I never expected much. I still don't expect much ever. I am completely baffled as to the fact I even have this many reads here. I want to say thank you. But there is more to tell.
Last year as some may know I moved up north and I didn't really know much of anything, that's where I first writing this story. There was a story I wrote earlier about something else but I decided to take it down and out because I didn't even plan anything. It wasn't even correctly titles so I decided it wasn't good enough. When I moved up north I had to start a new school. Well I went there and got a tour (mind you an odd one hah). And through my "tour guide" (more like close friend) I met the first account mentioned on this post thing. She seemed nice at the time and I was willing to get to know her. Being naive and all that Jazz. At one point she brings up some stuff I will never forget. Which is important to this explanation. She was bragging (in my eyes) about how she dated fifteen other people (or something like that) and I was honestly shocked at first but shrugged it off seeing as it seemed like nothing to her. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind because that was one of my red flags. Well anyways since then she changed.. or more or less revealed her true self to me.
She claims that I'm "jealous of the amount of reads" she gets (not word for word ok?) and that.. that statement is hilarious. I do not care about the numbers at all. I seriously don't. It's absurd that she even thinks that because I don't care about the numbers of reads, votes and comments. I don't let it mess with my ego and I appreciate what I have. And sure, she may claim this but in all honesty she doesn't SHOW it. I have proof of what she said (and no i cropped it so that y'all dont go attack her. Unlike her I fight my own battles.)
She sent it to my friend and said friend sent it to me by her own free will. I did not threaten her by any means just incase this person mentioned that lie my friend told

 I did not threaten her by any means just incase this person mentioned that lie my friend told

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Going back to some of her claims, I do have reasons behind things I do. That being said I said some things she claimed within reason. That's because I'm stating my point of view. However I have no reason to say that to anyone else. As far as I know you don't do stupid crap just to beg for attention. Like pretending to be pregnant or beg for drugs. Also I don't accept the fact that she is gay because in all honesty she "gave up on guys" yet she was talking about how much she misses one of her ex's. Which is true. She did that to one of my friends and I- just no. No. If you really missed him what you do is apologize and fix the things you did! It's that simple. I am not against the LGBT basis. Heck I'm Panromantic asexual! But she isnt thinking.. atleast from what I have seen and heard of. Also can we mention the fact she "tries to ignore it" she really doesn't. Plus she is the one who started things. She's the one acting like this and starting the crap. I take some blame though seeing as I'm feeding the flames of this war. But hear me out of you want. I don't want this. I never wanted it. If she hates me okay then! End of discussion. You don't have to go out of your way to do petty as heck crap just because you "hate" someone. I just don't like it when she attacks my friends, which she does.
So there! Hate me all you want I do not care! Just if you read all the way through then thank you. A lot for hearing me out. I don't care if you hate me, want me dead. If ya hate me then leave. You aren't being forced to stick around and I do not care about the numbers. Just know that I'm only on the site to have fun and share my stories. Alrighty I'll update soon! Have a nice day and night and I shall see ya soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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