Chapter 9: Celestial Wolves

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~~~~~~~~~~Melody's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

I watch Cole turn on his heel, running while sobbing uncontrollably. I watched him until I could not anymore, I crumpled to the ground. Landing on my knees and felt warm tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill. I felt them fall down my face and I started to shake. Midnight put her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I kept choking back my sobs, I am so done with people using me and leaving me in the dust. I now think I understand why he got with Jeremy, Because Jeremy loves him, Cole loves Jeremy and wanted to break my heart. I felt a small amount of pain and then I see two flashes of light, Midnight has a soft Golden with an orange and red ombre fur (to look like the sun) and Tyler has a sparkling silver with a pale yellow tint fur (To look like the moon). I look into the river and see that I have transformed as well, I see my vibrant Galaxy eyes and my black and purple ombre fur with white specks (I am the galaxy). I love being in my wolf form because I feel a touch freer! (I am editing this with Grammarly and freer is a word?! What? The. Actual. Hell??)

I look up from the river to see Jeremy and Cole walking towards us three wolves, Jeremy looks confused and Cole looks frightened. I started to growl at Cole and slowly walking towards him, his eyes widen as he slowly tries to back away. Jeremy steps in front of me and speaks "Who are you? Do you mean any harm??" I look at him skeptically.

I slowly shake my head no, and he reaches a hand forward and pets me. I just sit there content with how he was stroking my fur lightly, knowing my ears are sensitive. At one point Cole reaches his hand out and I backed up and growled at him. He looked mystified at me and I leaned into Jeremy's touch. Fun fact, Jeremy and I have been friends for a long time it's just he acted like a jerk to me in public and always apologized for it later. Funny how he knew my secret but Cole was oblivious, I guess we are great actors/actresses!! Cole reaches out to me again and I growl a bit louder. He looks at me and tries for the third time, I was about to lunge out at him but Jeremy stopped me "Shhh It's okay girl, He is my Boyfriend you can trust him." He says in a soothing voice. Cole tried one more time before he gave up on me. I just glared at him, while making content sounds because I enjoyed Jeremy petting me softly.

Cole walked over to the Silver and Pale yellow tinted wolf and reached out his hand to pet him, Tyler leaned into the touch and realized why I loved it so much. Midnight looks let out so I call her towards Jeremy and he pets us both at the same time. We sit like this while the human males speak.

"Can you tell me why she doesn't like me?" Cole asked

"Umm, I can try..." Jeremy trailed off, he then asks me "Why won't you let Cole pet you??" I let out a noise which he translates easily. He has been around me as a wolf long enough to translate for me.

"S-She said... She cannot trust you... you B-because--" He bursts into laughter because of what I said

"What?? Because what??" He looks so confused, Jeremy snorts from laughter then blushes and hides his face

"Babe... That was so freaking cute... but what did she say??" Cole looked at Jeremy with trust and love in his eyes

"Okay" Jeremy takes a deep breathe in "She doesn't trust you because you smell like a large fucking asshole." Cole looks at me and yells

"IS THIS A JOKE?!" Jeremy shakes his head no and tries to stifle his laughter, only making it louder

"N-No... S-she is n-not joking!" Jeremy tried to stop laughing but failed miserably. I just licked him on the cheek before he sat up and yelped "HEY HOLD THE FREAK UP I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!" I smirked at him, still a wolf and he laughed. Cole tried to touch me again and I snapped at him, nearly biting him, he screamed and hugged Jeremy; jumping into his lap. Midnight then growled lightly at Cole scaring him more.

I tell her to calm down a bit but she decided to be sassy and reply "You growl at him everytime he tries to get close to you" I roll my eyes at this and Jeremy snickered. I just sit down on my butt, My tail slightly swaying while Jeremy laughed at Midnight's sass. Cole only looks at him confused.

"What is so funny??" Cole asked Jeremy, utterly confused

"The freaking sass this wolf has!!" Jeremy giggled out and gesturing to Midnight as she scratched at Cole, wanting to be pet.

"What did it say??" He asked, wanting to find out what the sass level is of this wolf.

"Well, basically she responded to Galaxa in a sassy way because Galaxa is trying to calm her down because she growled at you... Sunny said this 'You growl at him everytime he tries to get close to you' and it's funny because right before this Galaxa basically tried to bite you... so Galaxa was being a hypocrite and Sunny called her out!"

Cole snickered slightly and looked at Jeremy "Speaking of calling out... I was called out today because I think I fucked up...?"

"Who, when and Why??" Jeremy looked at Cole waiting for his answer.

Cole then went on a five-minute explanation of what happened before he found Jeremy. Jeremy looked so upset, but yet not surprised. Cole was on the verge of tears and Midnight just lay on his lap, letting him pet her. He looked at her and continued to stroke her head as he mumbled: "Galaxa still does not like me..." I just look at him and then turn my head away because I felt my blood boil because of what he did.

"I kinda expect that from her... she can have some...moments that make her lose trust in people... or she just hates them." Jeremy mumbles something else but Cole did not catch it. I was glad he did not catch it. I just stood up and pawed at Jeremy, asking him what time it is, it's 5:30 so I got up, barked at the other two and we left after I licked Jeremy goodbye.

We ran through the forest until we got to the edge and we transformed back to humans. Wearing hoods and masks we ran to our house and nearly broke down the door. I ran up to my room and broke down in full-blown sobs, They were louder because I have been choking them back for hours. I sometimes hate being so weak, I hear someone knocking on my door so I made myself look like I was not crying, Pretty hard btw (I would know... It's really hard tho...) and I opened the door to see Tyler standing there. "Dinner is ready Mel..." I nod showing that I understood and I went downstairs with him. We sat in silence eating our food (I have no ideas anymore... Please Bair with me, also anyone who understands that pun then congrats!!) I got up after I ate and went to my room. For the rest of the night, you could hear sobs echo around the room that contained a heartbroken Melody Angels.  

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