Bruises Kurt/Puck

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Kurt's POV:

I walked out of my boyfriend Puck's house. I started to walk to the cafe down the street. On my way there I was stopped by a couple of men dressed in black. They grabbed me and threw me on to the ground in an alley way. Before I could scream they placed a piece of duck tape over my mouth. I struggled to get out of their grip but I was too weak. One of the men took out a knife and carved into my skin. The others laughed as I flinched in pain. Every time I flinched, one of the guys punched me in the face. I wish Puck was here right now. Everything went black as I fainted from the blood loss.

I awoke in a white room. I heard people talking around me. I realized I was in a hospital. Nurses surrounded me, making sure I was okay. Then I saw a familiar handsome face push through the crowd. It was my boyfriend Noah.

"Kurt baby are you okay?" He asked as he approached my bedside. I nodded. When I moved it hurt slightly. I winced in pain. " Awe baby." He placed a kiss on my forehead. " Can we be alone?" He asked the nurses. They nodded and left the room. " Who did this to you?"

" Some guys in the alley way. It really hurts Noah," I said to him. He knows when I call him Noah that I'm not kidding. I saw a tear start to form in his eye.

" I'm so sorry. I wish I could have protected you," he said as tears fell down his face.

" It's okay baby," I said attempting to stroke his cheek.

" I love you so much Kurt," he said.

" I love you too," I replied as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

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