Grabbed Blaine/Sam

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Blaine's POV:
We had just finished our performance for Night Fever in glee club. I couldn't stop staring at Sam. The way he moved on the dance floor got me all hot and bothered. I stared at him, and he stared back with lust in his eyes. Once we were dismissed by Mr Shue I sped out of the choir room and waited for Sam to come out. Once he walked out of the room I grabbed the front of his shirt and dragged him into the nearest empty classroom.

"Wow Blaine, in a hurry aren't we?" Sam said mischievously. I ignored him and pressed my lips to his in a kiss. Sam backed me up into a wall as he continued to kiss me. Soon Sam pulled away from my lips and went to my neck, sucking and biting the bare skin. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he worked on my neck. I bit my lip to try and suppress a moan when he found my sweet spot. A groan came from deep in my throat when he bit that same spot.

"Sam," I moaned his name. That caused a smile to spread across his lips. I felt a tent started to form in my skinny jeans.

"You looked so good dancing in there, especially when you did that split. It drove my crazy babe," he whispered into my ear. I shivered from his breath against my earlobe. His hands rested on my waist, holding me against the wall. He lifted his knee in between my legs. He moved his knee up and down against my pants, causing friction. I threw my head back against the wall as pleasure shot through body.


"That's right babe, say my name." He encouraged as he kissed my neck more. My hands went under his shirt, clawing at his back.

"Fuck, your so hot," Sam groaned as he watched me moan and groan. I heard the door open and both our head shot in that direction to see Mr Shue and most of the glee club. They were all looking at us, some with disgusted faces and some with smirks. I blush creeped onto onto my cheeks do to the embarrassment. I buried my head in Sam's chest to hide my face from them. Sams hands fell from my waist and wrapped around me protectively.

"That was... unexpected," said Finn.

"Ok guys, why don't you go home now. School's over," I heard Mr Shue say to us.

"Slut..." I heard someone whisper under there breath. I tensed up in Sam's arms. He seemed to notice because he held me closer and rubbed my back up and down to calm me.

"I'm sorry, were leaving now," Sam said to them as he pulled away from me. He grabbed my hand in his and walked towards them to the door. Kurt gave me a look, and Sam saw it too. He wrapped his arm around my waist instead and pulled me close to his side as we walked out the door. He looked over his shoulder at Kurt, giving him a bad look back. Once we got to the hallway I rested my head on Sams shoulder and leaned against him as we walked to our lockers. We stopped at his first and he let go off me to get his things.

"Sam... do you know who called me a slut before?" I asked in a voice barely above a whisper. Sam turned to face me when I said

"Blaine, it was Kurt," he said slowly, watching me closely for a reaction. Tears built in my eyes.

"Why can't he just leave me alone?" I cried. Sam brought me into his embrace.

"Just forget about him baby. Don't let him get to you," Sam told me. I held onto him tightly as I cried on his shoulder. Once I had calmed down a little I pulled away from Sam so he could grab his things. "You okay?" He asked when I pulled out of his embrace. I nodded to him.

"I just wanna leave," I told him. He nodded and turned to grab his things. "I'll grab mine and meet you back here," I said as I walked off. When I got to my locker, I saw Kurt leaning against it. I thought of going back to Sam, but figured I would be fine. I walked in front of Kurt and gestured for him to move so I could get into my locker. He didn't move over though. He just stood there in the same spot.

"Umm... Kurt? Could you please move? I need to get into my locker," I asked nicely. He smirked at me, but still didn't move.

"You were so slutty before in the classroom," he said as he walked close to me. "It was hot," I felt his breath on my neck. I backed away quickly. I didn't like him that close to me. "What's wrong Blaine? Don't you want me?" He asked mischievously.

"Get away," I said as he started to come closer. He reached out to me and grabbed a hold of my bow tie. I tried to get away before he could grab me, but failed. He pulled me towards him and I collided with his body. He used the opportunity to move his hands to my butt. He squeezed harshly and I yelped in pain. I put both hands on his chest and pushed him away from me. Tears ran down my cheeks like waterfalls by now. He stumbled back a little. He looked at me with an angry expression.

"Your going to regret that," he said as he lunged at me. I turned around quickly and ran in the direction I came. Sam, I just needed Sam. I ran down the hall with Kurt close on my heels. I reached Sams locker to see him just about to pick up his backpack when I ran right into him. He wrapped his arms around me as he stumbled backwards, trying to regain his balance so he didn't fall.

"Blaine! What the hell babe?!" He said, exasperated.

"Sam... it's Kurt," I said in a broken voice. He pulled away and held me at arms length and studied my face. He looked at me confused.
I heard footsteps behind me and turnaround to see Kurt running up to us. I cowered away from him and hid behind Sam. "Please... get away," I begged Kurt behind Sams shoulder. He went to walk over to me, but Sam put a hand on his chest to stop him.

"What did you do to him?!" He yelled in Kurt's face. I rested my forehead against Sam's back, not wanting to look at Kurt. Sam reached behind himself and grabbed my hand in his own. I squeezed it tightly.

"He... Sam he grabbed me," I stood Sam against his back. He turned towards me so I ended up leaning against his chest.

"He did what?!" He asked me as he wrapped an arm around my waist. His eyes were still on Kurt, who had moved to the side of Sam. I gulped nervously as Kurt watched me with an intense stare.

"He grabbed me," I repeated to Sam.

"What do you mean he grabbed you?" He asked me as he started to rub my back slightly. I knew he needed me to be specific, but I didn't want to say it. I would just replay it in my head if I said it. "Baby, I need you to tell me."

"He was at my locker when I got there. He whispered something to me and then he pulled me towards him by my bow tie. Then he... he—" I had to stop to take a breath. I squeezed Sam's hand for comfort. My other hand clutched onto his plaid shirt.

"He what?"

"He groped my butt. He squeezed it harshly," I told him in a voice lower then a whisper. He still heard me because his jaw tightened as he looked at Kurt.

"How dare you even touch him?!" He screamed. He was shaking from anger. He walked over to Kurt and punched him in the face. When he fell, San kicked him multiple times. When he was done, Kurt looked like he was ready to pass out. He walked back over to me quickly and wrapped me up in his arms. I buried my head in his chest as I let out a sob. "Your okay baby. He's not gonna touch you again."

"I felt so... violated Sam. I didn't want his hand on me, but he didn't listen." I cried. Sam shushed me and picked me up with my legs around his waist. I laid my head down on his shoulder as he walked me out of the school, but not before grabbing my thing from my locker for me.

"Your okay now Blaine, don't worry."

"I love you Sam."

"I love you too."

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