Hurt Blaine/Artie

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Artie's POV:

I wheeled into Blaine and I's apartment after a long day of work. I was directing a new movie. Blaine should be home soon too. He was working as a kids music teacher. It was what he loved doing. I settled in front of the TV to so I could watch something before Blaine got home. Soon I heard the door open and I immediately looked over. I saw Blaine turned around as he closed the door behind him.

"Hey babe. How was work?" I asked him as I turned my attention back to the TV.

"Okay..." I heard him say quietly. He didn't sound like his normal cheery self. I looked back over to him and he had his head down so I couldn't see his face.

"Blaine what's wrong? You don't sound okay," I said worriedly. When he lifted his face up, my heart broke. His face was all bruised and beaten. He had a cut on his lip that was bleeding, and also a big gash on his cheek that also had blood coming from it. Silent tears were rolling down his cheeks. I motioned from him to come over and he slowly walked over to me. Once he reached me he sat on my lap, on my chair. I grabbed his face gently in my hands to inspect it better. The gash on his cheek was deep and the blood was flowing out of it and down his face. There were purple bruises on all different spots on his face and there was a red hand print on his other cheek. "Baby, what happened? Who did this to you?" He let out a loud sob as the tears flowed from his eyes. He hugged me, wrapping his arms around my neck and resting his head on my shoulder as he cried. I just let him cry, as I wrapped my arms around the small of his back. "It's okay Blaine. I'm right here. Your safe now," I told him reassuringly. He cried on my shoulder as I rubbed his back. Soon he stopped crying and took his head off of me. Some blood from his cheek had gotten on my shirt, but I didn't care. All I cared at that moment was Blaine. "Please tell me what happened B," I said to him. He nodded as he wiped away his remaining tears.

"I was walking home and these guys stopped me. They were some of the teachers from the school I work at," he started to tell me. Tears built up in his eyes again as recited the event to me. I rubbed his back as he talked so he knew he was safe and that I was there for him. "They cornered me. Then they start c-calling me n-names." A tear rolled down his cheek.

"What did they say?" I asked, even though I probably knew the answer to the question.

"They called me a fairy, a-and... fag." As he said this he broke out in sobs again. I held him close to me, not wanting to let go. They must had beaten him up because he was gay. Why couldn't people just understand that love was love. We shouldn't have to suffer because people couldn't accept that.

"Artie, I was s-so scared." He sobbed into my shoulder.

"I know baby, but it's okay now. I'm here. Shh," I said, trying to calm him down. I stopped hearing his sobs and soon heard quiet snores from Blaine's body. He had cried himself to sleep. I sighed as I stroked his back. Poor Blaine. He can't even walk the street without getting beat up anymore. Can't they just leave us alone? I'm so sick of them hurting us, hurting Blaine. I hated seeing him like this. The only thing I could do is be there for him. I wheeled my chair to our bathroom. We lived in a studio apartment because Blaine wanted it to be easier for me to get around and be comfortable in our house. He was such a loving and caring person. He didn't deserve this.

"Blaine wake up," I said gently as I shook him lightly. He opened his eyes slowly. "I need to clean up that cut on your cheek." His nodded his head and got off of my lap. I reached out and grabbed the first aid kit we had on the sink. I opened it up and took out a bandage and some ointment for it. "Can you get me the alcohol and some paper towel?" He reached in the medicine cabinet and got the stuff I needed. I took it from him and put a good amount of the rubbing alcohol onto the towel. I gestured for Blaine to come closer to me. He kneeled down in front of me and I grabbed his face in my hand. I wiped the big gash on his cheek with the towel. He flinched, down to the stinging. "Sorry honey. I know it burns." Once I was done I spread the ointment on the cut and put the bandage on it. "All set." He sat back on my lap and rested his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. I ran my hands through his hair and gave him a kiss on his forehead quickly before starting to roll towards our bed.

Once I reached our bed he picked up his head from my shoulder and opened his eyes slowly. "B, why don't we go to bed. You should probably rest anyways and you look exhausted," I told him. He nodded and got off of me.

"Need help?" he asked me in a gentle voice. I shook my head.

"I can get on the bed Blaine. You ask me every night," I laughed.

"I know, but I can't help it. I care about you. I want to make things easier for you." I smiled at him. He came over to me and put his arms under my legs and back and lifted me up. I smiled up at him. He was the sweetest boyfriend ever. He gave me a kiss before resting me gently on the bed. He then wheeled my chair next to my side of the bed. He got on the bed himself and covered us both with the blanket. "Are you comfortable?" he asked me. I nodded at him. He came as close as he could to me and snuggled into my side.

"You know Blaine, your not a fag. Your a beautiful human being. Your the same as everyone else on this planet. People just can't except that love is love and that what we have is beautiful. I love you so much Blaine. Never let what they say, or do get to you because your better then them. Have courage, like you always say to me because it'll remind you that your worth something," I told Blaine as I wrapped my arms around him. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Those better be happy tears mister," I said to him smiling. He smiled back and leaned his head over to mine, connecting our lips in a kiss.

"Thank you so much Artie. I love you too and I don't know what I would do without you," Blaine told me as he pulled away from the kiss. I wiped the few tears that escaped his eyes. He laid his head on my chest and fell asleep. I kissed the top of his head and slowly drifted off to sleep with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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