Ice Blaine/Artie

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Blaine's POV:

I drove to school with a smile on my face. I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend after the long weekend. Once I arrived, I got out of my car and into the freezing cold. I couldn't wait until summer. I hated the cold. Plus, it was dangerous for Artie when the ice was on the ground. I walked to the back entrance of the school. All my classes and locker were closer to this entrance so I came in through here every day. When I reached the entrance I saw a girl bent over something, or someone. I walked over to the girl to see what was going on. Soon I realized there was a wheelchair on the side of her. It was empty, and tipped on its side. Artie instantly came into my mind and I ran over to the girl. When I reached the side of her I could tell she was a freshman. I looked down at the ground to see Artie sprawled out on the floor. He had small cuts on his face, and some on his arms.

"Artie, honey, what happened?" I asked with concern in my voice. I knelt down near him as I put my arms under his knees and back. I lifted him up into my arms and held him close. He was shivering, he was so cold. "Could you pick up his wheelchair?" I asked the freshman girl who had stopped to help Artie. She nodded and fixed Artie's wheelchair so it was standing upright. I placed Artie carefully down in his chair. I said 'thank you' to the girl as she left. I got behind the chair and started to push Artie into the building.

"Blaine, stop," Artie said when I started to push him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him as I stopped walking.

"I fell on that ramp. That's why I was on the ground. The janitor didn't put the salt on the ramp like he was supposed to. My Wheels don't have chains on them, so when I tried to go up the ramp my chair slipped on the ice and I fell backwards," he told me. I was shocked. How could the janitor just skip the ramp in the back entrance? Artie could have gotten seriously hurt.

"I'm gonna go take you to the front of the school. The ramp there might be okay," I said to him as I turned around and pushed him in the opposite direction. He nodded his head. As I walked I put one of my hands on one of his shoulders to let him know I was he for comfort if he needed it. Once i reached the front of the building I could see that the ramp here was free of ice. I pushed him into the building and went straight to the office to go see the principal. He was the one who was running this school, he should have made sure the janitors salted all of the handi-capable ramps outside. I barged into his office, but told Artie to wait outside for me.

"How come the ramp in the back entrance was full of ice?! Do you know how dangerous that is to a person trying to use it?! Artie fell over in his wheelchair because he slipped on the ice! He could have gotten seriously hurt! How could you let that happen?!" I screamed at Principal Figgins. He looked up from whatever he was doing as soon as I came in. He looked shocked that I had just disrespected him. I was the straight A student that had always nice to everyone, but when the people I love get hurt, I'm not so nice anymore.

"Mr Anderson, you need to calm down," he told me calmly. It just made me angry.

"Calm?! You want me to calm down?! How do you expect me to calm down when my boyfriend is out there in the hallway with cuts and bruises everywhere, all because the janitor was lazy!" I screamed again at him. He just stared at me. "You are in charge of this school. You should have made sure the janitor did his job!"

"It's not my doing. You need to leave before I give you a consequence for yelling at your principal."

"The ramp better be free of ice soon. I will have my father sue this school if Artie falls again, and you don't want him to do that. I think you know he's one of the best attorneys in the state," I said to him with anger in my voice. He just stared at me for a moment before speaking.

"Fine, I will have that done for you. Now please go. You'll be late for class." I nodded at his response and thanked him as I left. When I stepped out the whole glee club was there with Artie. They were all watching me as I stepped out of the office. They must have all heard my yelling from outside the office. I blushed a deep red as they all stared at me in shock.

"Wow!" Finn said as I closed the office door.

"I'd never thought Hobbit would talk, or in this case yell, to the principal like that!" Santana exclaimed.

"That was intense man. Nice job!" Puck told me. They all started to say things like this to me. They were all surprised I had yelled like that to a member of the staff, but when I came to Artie I would do anything to keep him safe.

"Thanks guys," I replied to all there comments. "I'm gonna take Artie to the nurse." They nodded as I wheeled Artie away. He smiled up at me.

"I am so lucky to have you Blaine. Thanks so much for doing that," He told me. I blushed slightly as his comment. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I stopped pushing his chair and went in front of it and knelt down to Artie's height. I grabbed his face gently in my hands and placed my lips on his soft ones. He returned the kiss. After a few seconds I pulled away. "I will always do this for you. I need to know that your safe when I'm not around. I don't want you hurt, ever." he smiled and patted his knees. I got on his lap and kissed his forehead.

"Let's go!" I said enthusiastically and pointed my finger forward. Artie just laughed at my childish behavior.

"Your a dork," he told me.

"Yes, but I'm your dork."


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