First Kiss Rachel/Finn

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Go give nerdgirl0416 a follow she's a super good writer!

Finn's POV:

I got a text from Rachel telling me to meet her in the auditorium. I wonder what she wants. The last few days I've been having feelings towards her. There are some days where I just want to kiss her so bad, but I know I can't do that since I have a girlfriend, Quinn. When I got to the auditorium I saw Rachel standing there. She is so beautiful.

" Hey Rachel," I said as I gave her a hug.

" Hey Finn. I wanted to talk to you because lately I've been having feelings towards you and I know your dating Quinn-," I interrupted her with a kiss. I licked her bottom lip and I felt her grin.

" I-I am so sorry," I told her.

" It's alright but I thought you were dating Quinn?" She asked me.

" Lately I've been having feelings for you Rachel. I've tried to ignore them but they are too strong. I think- I think I love you Rachel," I told her. I stared into her beautiful eyes.

" I think I love you too," I heard her say. She leaned in to kiss me again. I met her halfway causing our lips to touch. Or tongues wrestled for dominance. When our lips parted I saw her smile. She is so beautiful.

" I-I got to go," I said as I ran out of the auditorium. I can't have feelings for Rachel. I have a girlfriend this isn't okay! I ran down the halls causing me to crash into my girlfriend Quinn.

" Whoa Finn why are you running?" She asked me. I grabbed her face and kissed her. She's not as good of a kisser as Rachel. God why am I still thinking about Rachel?! I love Rachel, I mean Quinn. I love QUINN!

" I love you Rachel," I said to Quinn. Oh my god did I just say Rachel, " I mean Quinn."

" Rachel? What's going on between you two?!" She yelled.

" I'm so sorry Quinn. I love her," I said to Quinn. Her smile faded and she walked away. I went to find Rachel. " I broke up with Quinn because I love you." I told her.

" Are you serious?" Rachel asked me. I nodded. I grabbed her face and kissed her again.

" I love you so much," I said and kissed her again.

" I love you too," she said. We kissed again.

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