Abused Blaine/Finn

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Finn's POV:

I was sitting on my bed, attempting to do the homework I had when my phone started to ring. I looked at the screen to see my beautiful boyfriends face appear on it.

Blaine and I have been dating for a while now. After he and Kurt broke up Blaine was heart broken, so I was there for him. During that time I started developing feeling for him and as it turns out, he had felt the same.

I pressed the accept button and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Blaine. What's up?" I asked through the phone. It was silent on the other end for a moment.

"Finn?" I heard him say. His voice cracked as he spoke.

"Blaine are you alright?" I asked. His voice sounded shaky to me, almost like he was crying.

"No... Finn could you please come over?" What was wrong with him? I just hoped he wasn't hurt.

"What happened?" I asked him hoping to get an answer.

"Just please come. I need you." He said in a quiet voice. It broke my heart.

"I'll be right there Blaine, don't worry," I reassured him. He hung up the phone after that so I had no idea was what going on. I walked down the stairs to grab my coat and keys so I could get to him.

"Where are you going?" Burt asked me as I put my hand on the door knob.

"Blaine needs me," I told him. I ran out the door before he could say anything. I didn't want him to stop me from going there. I need to be there for Blaine. I got in my car and drove towards his house.

Once I arrived I got out of my car quickly and closed the door. I went to the front door and rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer. As I waited on the doorstep I heard voices from inside. I could make out some of the words that were said.

".... upstairs... can't see you..."

"Please... I'll get... door." I could tell Blaine had said this. Then I heard the other person yell.

"Go upstairs now you little good for nothing piece of shit!!" I swear to god if they're talking to Blaine like that they will pay. Soon after the door was thrown open and I was met by an older man. He had the same hazel eyes and the same dark color hair as Blaine, but his hair was straight instead of curly. This must be Blaine dad.

"Hello sir," I said politely. I didn't want to disrespect my boyfriend father so he could hate me. "I'm here to see Blaine." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You can't see him," he said bluntly and started to close the door. Before he could shut it fully I put my hand on the door to stop him.

" I really need to see him," I told him.

" And I said no. I will not allow you to see him right now. Leave my property before I call the police!" He yelled in my face. I pushed passed him to get into the house. It really was a nice house, and it was huge. The Anderson family had a lot of money.

"We're is he" I asked calmly, even though I just wanted to punch this guy for keeping me away from Blaine.

"Get out of my house!" He screamed and pointed out the door.

"I'm only going to ask one more time," I said as I raised my voice. Blaine dad looked intimidated. I very much towered over him. He wasn't that tall, although he was definitely taller than Blaine. I walked over to him and looked down at him. "Where is Blaine?" He swallowed hard before speaking.

"You can't see him." I walked away from him and up to the stairs that lead up to his room. Blaine's dad followed me, but never tried to stop me. As I got to his room I went to open the door, but Blaine's dad stood in front of his bedroom door. "You can't go in there," he told me. I pushed him aside as opened the door. I saw Blaine on his bed. He was leaning against the headboard with his knees to his chest. His head was resting on his knees and he hugged his legs as close to him as possible. There were some bruises on his arms. This made me furious. I ran over to him and rested my hand on his shoulder. When u did this he flinched away and looked up at me. That's when I saw how bad his face was. It was all bruised and cut up. His lip was bleeding and he was crying silent tears.

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