Midnight visitor.

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Gumballs pov:

I walked out of Fire Prince's castle, other royals walking with me.

It had been another long and boring meeting about the citizens of the Fire kingdom not being aloud in the Candy Kingdom. I had told them time and time again that my people would melt if they came anywhere near them!

But of course his people lost their tempers and went to the Slime Kingdom to prove a point and obviously people got hurt.

This ment that another meeting had to be called because he broke our agreement and I had to smooth things over like I always do.

I got into my pink carriage and the driver began to take me home.

It was late when I finally got home.

I walked up the long stair case and opened the door to my room and yawn.

"Hello Gumball..." A low voice said.

I looked over at the voice, my eyes widened. "Oh hello, Marshall..." I said. "How did you get in here...?"

"One of your little maids let me in..." Marshall shrugged, continuing to hover above my bed. "But I should be asking the questions..." He floated towards me then stopped, making a thud noise as his feet hit the ground. "Where were you tonight?"

I looked at him. "What on earth do you mean...?"

The boy rolled his eyes. "My concert, Gumball!" He groaned. "You were supposed to be there!"

"Oh!" I slapped my hand to my forehead. "I'm sorry, Marshall. A meeting came up..."

"A meeting?! That's your excuse?" Marshall scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. "There really was a meeting! In the Flame kingdom!" I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Marshall...I really am sorry...."

He shrugged, causing my hand to fall away from him. "You're gonna abandon me again...Like you did before!"

"I didn't abandon you...I just grew up...." I mumbled, a little annoyed at the accusation.

Marshall glared at me. "You 'just grew up'?!" He snapped at me. "So you standing me up every time we were supposed to meet is growing up?! You breaking up with me is growing up?!"

I flinched at his harsh tone. "Don't blame me for that! You got me in trouble over and over again...!" I crossed my arms. "I have responsibilities you know?!"

"Responsibilities...I have them too..." Marshall sighed.

"Oh yeah? Like what? Moping around your house? Feeling sorry for yourself?" I rolled my eyes.

"I do have responsibilities! I have to make sure the Ice Queen is okay! I help Fiona with her missions! And I play in a band! Until a few years back you were one of my responsibilities!" Marshall yelled loudly, pointing at me.

"Me?! You didn't care remember?!" I slapped his hand away from my face. "You were just cocky because you 'corrupted' me! Everyone disapproved of me!" I crossed my arms. "They didn't want me to be prince...."

Marshall chuckled softly. "Oh please! You didn't wanna be prince!"

"I did!" I yelled.

"No! You didn't! We were...." Marshall blushed. "We were supposed to run away... Together...." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I was gonna tour...you were supposed to come..."

My cheeks reddened. "W-Well that was never really going to happen...it wouldn't have worked, Marshall...."

The boy sighed. "Right of course...It was never gonna work...we were never gonna work....you proved all those stuck up people right." He threw his hands in the air.

"Marshall please try to understand! I had t-" I began.

"You didn't have to do shit! You had your own free will! I don't even recognize the person in front of me...." Marshall said, cutting me off.

"Hey...I..Are you crying?" I said, concerned.

"N-No....!" He sniffed and ran to the window.

"Marshall.....wait!" I followed him as he jumped out of the window and hovered in front of me.

Marshall looked at me and sighed. "I'm not waiting anymore..." He turned and flew away into the night.

/The next chapter will be out soon... maybe a few days? I kinda wanna space this out. Idk know though.\

Please try to understand...: A Gumlee angst fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now