Muffins and making up.

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I woke up to Mathias bringing me breakfast in bed.

I thanked him and began to eat happily.

"Sir, I'll need your response on the flame kingdoms invitation to their ball." Mathias said.

I nodded and swallowed my food. "Oh of course. Yes I'll be attending. Thank you for reminding me." I chuckled softly.

Mathias smiled. "It's really not a problem...Will Mr Abadeer be attending as your plus one?"

I nodded again. "Yes...He will.." I continued to eat, thinking it over. It will be the first time we're publicly out...

"I'll send a letter to the flame kingdom and Mr Abadeer then." He said walking to the door. "And shall I call for a horse and carriage?"

"Yes..." I said. "Thank you Mathias."

He bowed to me and left the room.

I ate the rest of my food and got dressed. I decided to go casual and wear a regular white t shirt, pink jeans and a pink sweater.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, letting out a small yawn as I got the muffins out of the fridge.

I looked at them happily, feeling proud but that feeling soon turned to worry as I remembered what they were for. "Glob..." I sighed, really wishing that today would go well and we could all walk away as friends.

I closed the fridge door and walked over to the front door where my carriage was waiting for me. I climbed inside and sat down.

After a long drive I finally arrived at the treehouse.

I opened the door and got out, muffin tray in hand.

I took deep breath and walked over to the door.

"Hey! Gumwad!" I heard Marshall tell from above me.

"How was your night?" He asked, yawning. Marshall was wearing a huge summer hat, long gloves and a lot of sun screen.

"Good.... You're up late though...It's been a busy few days too..." I sighed.

Marshall kissed my cheek. "Hey no worries bubba...Okay? Lets just talk to Fiona and get our friends back." He took my hand in his.

I nodded and knocked on the door, chewing nervously on my lip.

The door opened. "Hello?" Cake looked up at us. "Oh...What do you two want? Hmmm?" Her legs grew so she was the same height as us.

"We just want to talk, Cake..." I said, trying to keep a calm tone.

"Mmm...I don't know...Fiona really isn't im the mood to talk to you guys...and to be honest I don't think I am either." She crossed her arms.

Marshall rolled his eyes. "Look we've got Muffins. If you let us in you can have some." He said, clearly annoyed with her.

Cake looked at the tray in my hands. "Ughhhh....Fine!" She said and stood aside so that we could get in.

"Thanks." Marshall said grabbing my hand and marching in and floating us up the ladder and into the first room.

When we get to the living room we look down to see a tired looking Fiona sitting on the floor.

"What the hell are you two doing here....?" She mumbled, looking up at us.

"F-Fiona...I just wanted to come over and talk about what happened at lunch the other day...." I sat next to her. "I do love you but like my kid sister...." I wrapped my arm around her. "I wanna be here for you..." I tried to hold back my tears but they just fell down my face.

She look at me crying. "Gumball...I'm sorry that I freaked out on you but...I'm all alone. I have no one..." Fiona sighed.

"You're not alone Fiona..." Marshall said, not looking down at her. "I've always go your back."

I smile at him, knowing that he didn't like opening up to people.

Fiona looked up at him. "Th-Thanks Marshall..." She mumbled.

"Well then." I said standing up. "I made muffins...Want one?" I put my hand out to her.

She nodded and took my hand.

I pulled her to her feet, smiling at her warmly.

"I put the muffins on the table." Cake said, smiling at the three of us as she sat down. "Let's eat!"

We walked over to the table and sat down.

"Oh! Fiona! Tell them what happened the other day! With slime prince!" Cake said, shoving on eof the muffins in her mouth.

Fiona nodded and began telling their story. She wasn't as enthusiastic as she would normally be but she seemed happy telling it none the less.

I smiled as she told

After a while of story telling me and Marshall decided to head home.

We said our goodbyes and went out to the carriage together.

I looked down at my feet, thinking about what had happened today.

I knew that we were friends again but it would definitely be awkward after this. I don't think I mind though. I'm jumping glad we're still friends.

Marshall put his hand on my leg. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Bubba."

"Oh..." I chuckled. "I'm not...I was just-"

"Don't lie Gumball." Marshall rolled his eyes. "I can tell. Your eyebrows go down and you frown a whole lot." He laughed softly. "Makes you look like an old man."

I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window as we drove back to the castle.

/Okay! First, I know this is a day late. I'm sorry for being a little behind haha. :)

Second! I know the whole 'Fiona being mad at Gumball and Marshall' thing is a little over done but I just want to do it so... yeah.

Lastly, the story will be moving in the direction of the Ball at the flame kingdom.

Strap yourselves in for some more angst.

Thanks again for reading,
Crimson ~\

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