Marshalls freedom

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Marshall pulled me into the crowd of people dancing to the pounding music.

He took my hand in his and spun me round a few times. The move was totally wrong for they type of music that was playing but I enjoyed it any ways.

I looked around at the sea if people moving as one and my heart began beating quickly. They hated me here and two thoughts popped into my brain, 1) What if we were caught? And 2) I had tried to take away these people's safe space. I felt awful and let go of Marshalls hand.

He looked at me and stopped dancing. "Bubba..What is it...?"

"It's nothing..." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Don't worry about it...Let's dance."

Marshall pulled me close. "Alrighty baby..."

"I missed this..." I sighed. "You, your music...your mental attitude towards everything..." I buried my face in his neck.

He tangled his fingers in my hair. "I'm not going anywhere Bubba...You won't have to miss me ever again."

I grinned. "I love you..."

I heard him chuckle then. "I love you to my prince...~"

After a while of us hugging we began to dance aggressively along to the loud music.

Marshall grinned at me as he spun me around for what felt like the 1000th time. "Look at you go Bubba!" He laughed loudly.

I giggled lightly. "I haven't done this for years...!" I panted.

"Let's get a drink...You need a break..." Marshall began to guide me through the crowd.

I followed him happily. "So...When are you preforming?" I asked and took a sip of the drink he had given me.

"In a few moments actually." He said, smiling at me as he downed a pint of beer.

I looked down at me drink and realised it was apple juice. "Apple Juice?" I said, chuckling.

Marshall nodded. "Yeah...You don't drink..." He shrugged and took a hold of my hand again. "Let's go should watch from there..."

"Why..?" I asked as we walked up the stairs for the stage.

"Because I want you to be safe... You'll get crushed without me." He said, letting me go. "C'mon...Stay close."

I looked around the stage area at the people getting ready. There were all sorts of people with all different instruments. I smiled thinking of Marshall here making friends and being happy.

"Marshall...I was wondering if you'd run off..." Callums voice called out snapping me out of my daze.

Marshall grinned at him. "Nah you'd miss me to much." They did an awkward one armed hug, laughing.

The two were obviously happy to see each other but didn't want to show it in front of the other band members.

Callum looked over at me then. "So...Who's the pink Princess?" He smirked causing my face to heat up.

"B-Belial..." I answered, crossing my arms.

He raised his eyebrow. "Isn't Belial the name of an evil angel that fucked around with chaos and lust?" Callum chuckled.

I looked over at Marshall, glaring.

Marshall laughed loudly and put his arm around my waist. "Yes it is...." He kissed my cheek. "Perfect for my prince don't you think."

Callum sniggered. "Oh yeah... Perfect " He said, voice dripping in sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes at them, causing more laughter.

"Don't you have a concert to play....?" I snapped.

Marshall bit his lip. "Yeah we do...Callum? Still on for drumming?"

Callum nodded. "Hell yeah." He smirked.

I looked at him curiously. He was a strange looking boy. His eyes were a deep blood red and his skin was white like paper and looked so thin you could see the veins underneath them.

"Let's do it!" Callum chuckled and readied himself for the performance.

"Stay here Bubs...It's the safest place..." Marshall kissed me and walked over to the stage area.

Marshall slung his axe guitar over his shoulder and ran out with you members of his band. "Let's fucking do this!" He yelled loudly, getting the crowd involved with ease.

"One, two, three, four!" Callum called out and the band began to play a metal song that I'd never heard of.

Marshall sang into the microphone, gripping it tightly as the loud music played.

I watched him in awe. It was a side of Marshall that I hadn't seen in years. He looked so happy...Just like he was when we were first together...

He played his guitar along with his friends and the song finished as quickly as it had started.

"Thank you!" Marshall laughed, waving at the crowd who were losing their minds over their music.

He walked off the stage and over to me. "Hey what di-" Marshall began before I cut him off with a kiss.

"You're so amazing...Did you know that?" I whispered in his ear, my arms around his neck.

Marshall grinned at me. "Mmm...I had a hunch..." He shrugged and pressed out lips together once more.

I smiled into the kiss, glad that Marshall had friends, glad that he was happy and glad that we were together again.

"God...Take me back to my place...?" I mumbled, pulling away slightly.

This earned a chuckle from the demon. "Whatever you want my princess..."

And with that we left the loud club and went back to my castle...

/Okay! I know it's been a while and I'm sorry! But I swear this time I will keep to the schedule!

Thank you for being patient with me,

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