Bad timing, Mathias.

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I woke up earlier than I normally would have when sunlight began to flood through my window.

I groaned and sat up. "I swore I shut the curtains..." I mumbled, walking over to the window.

"I know...I'm sorry." A voice rang out.

"Ah!" I jumped and turned to see Marshall, floating on his back, axe bass guitar in hand. "M-Marshall!" I scolded him, pulling my shirt down over my boxer shorts. I blushed deeply as he smirked and began to laugh.

"Hey... isn't that the band shirt I gave you, Bubba?" The boy said in a cocky voice, raising his eyebrow.

"Maybe..." I say and get back into bed and pulling the blankets over my naked legs.

"Ohhh...! Don't cover up! I was enjoying the show..." He purred softly and put his guitar down.

My face reddened. "M-Marshall...Stop that...."

He floated over to me then sat in my lap, running his hands through my gummy hair. "My sweet prince..." Marshall hissed, kissing along my neck and biting down softly.

"Ah...~!" I gasped loudly, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Did you like that, Bubba?" He chuckled and bit down again.

"M-Marshall...!" I groaned. "Stop teasing me..."

The demon/vampire hybrid laughed. "Why should I...? You seem to enjoy it..." He pressed his lips to my own, shoving me down on the bed.

I kissed back softly and smiled.

There was a knock at my door and Mathias peaked his head in. "Sir it's time t-" He stopped talking when he saw Marshall on to of me. "O-Oh Erm... I'll..." He shut the door quickly.

"Shit..." I mumbled, pushing Marshall off of me.

" wasn't that bad." Marshall groaned, reaching out to me again.

"Yes it was...the guy is like my Dad." I groaned and sat up, batting his hands away from me. "And besides...I have things to get on with... Plus Fiona and Cake are coming over for lunch."

"Ughhhh...." He put his hands over his face. "I want you to myself for five minutes...!"

"S-Soon...okay...?" I say as I walk over to the wardrobe.

"Fine... whatever..." Marshall shrugged. "I'm holding you to that though..."

I chuckled the stopped. "Hang on...why were you even in my room?" I asked, my regular pink outfit in my hands.

"Well....I was bored." Marshall shrugged. "I've got nothing better to do."

"Wow...I'm glad I'm you're last resort." I rolled my eyes and began to get undressed.

Marshall chuckled. "I didn't mean it like that..." He floated over to me.

"I know...I'm only teasing you." I giggled and kissed him on the cheek. "Now then. I have things to do...Fiona and Cake are coming over for lunch."

Marshall smiled. "And...Am I invited?"

I chuckled. "If you behave."

He grinned at me and kissed my cheek. "Yes your majesty." Marshal chuckled.


I was sitting in my office, head in my hands. I was stressed out at this point as I had to sign some paperwork and give permission to people who wanted to do things.

Just then Marshall floated in. "Fiona and Cake are here Bubba."

I looked over at him and sighed. "Alright." I chuckled softly. "Lets go." I stood up and walked over to the door.

Me and Marshall walked down the hall (Marshall was floating rather) and I heard a familiar voice.

"And I just kicked him in the balls." Fiona finished telling her story to Mathias, Cake standing next to her.

"Very good Miss." He chuckled softly and looked over at me, his face apologietic.

"Hello Fiona." I smiled at her then put my hand on Mathias shoulder, letting him know it was okay.

She grinned at me and hugged me round my middle. "Hey Gumball! It's been a while!"

I hugged her back. "I know right. Sorry about that, I've been really busy."

"It's no problems, Sugar. We know what it's like, being a Prince." Cake stretched her arm up to me, patting my face.

I laughed softly as she does this. "So...I've told my servants to prepare Hamburgers so whenever we're ready we can eat."

"Well I hope you got something red for me to eat." Marshall said casually as he walked into the room.

I turn to look at him. "Yes, of course I do."

Fiona let go of me and looked at Marshall. "Hey." She said with a scowl, putting her hand on her hip.

"Come on, Fiona! You're not still mad about the whole 'me dying to get you to confess your love for me' prank are you?" Marshall rolled his eyes.

"Yes I am!" She snapped. "I thought you were dying!"

Marshall sighed. "C'mon! It was funny."

Fiona walked over to him. "Not to me!" She poked him in the nose angrily.

"Guys...Don't fight." I put my hands between them, separating the two. "Let's eat, huh?"

"Good plan, Bubba." Cake said, taking Fiona's hand. "I am starving."

"Fine." Fiona and Marshall said at the same time, causing me to chuckle.

Please try to understand...: A Gumlee angst fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now