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Salam Alaikum readers.
This is not my first time writing something but it's definitely my first time posting in wattpad and writing a story that's not a Fanfiction or western story. I'll be really glad if I get your support and comments. That'll keep me going.

And I know Labiba is a bit intense, but this is her story after all. We have a long way to go. I wanted to try a character that's different, a character that's not a goody two shoes because everyone is redeemable when given the chance and what's in the heart matters much more than what we can see. Enjoy.


This is it! Salim thought as he walks out of the four storey building he's built from scratch, he's in a haste to get to his car to go to the hospital. His excitement cannot be contained because this is the final stage of his mum's surgery and it has been successful and he just received the call that after her prescriptions, she'll be off her meds and no more surgery.

"Where are the keys?" His driver Kabiru asks as they walk out towards the parking lot.

"Oh God, Kabiru dan Allah go and get them, they're with my secretary. Kayi sauri." Kabiru turns around quickly towards the building and Salim sighs in exhaustion. He's been in his feelings all day long, scared about whether the surgery will be successful or not.

Kabiru comes back two minutes later and they get into the car and towards the gate while Salim composes a text message to his younger brother Walid who's definitely in the court by now. His brother is one of the hotshot corporate lawyers in the country and he rarely gets time during the middle of the day. Salim on the other hand, being the CEO of his own IT company, Digital Age Tech can take a break anytime he wants it. It doesn't make it any less of a workaholic though.

"Kabiru, let's stop at the garage first tunda yana kan hanyar mu, Habu forgot the Prado's toolbox with them last week."

"Toh ran kai dade." Kabiru answers respectfully.

Salim keeps going through his phone as he waits for Kabiru to come back, he wonders what's taking him so long when the garage staff knows both Kabiru and Habu work for him, one is just his official driver and the other is their home driver and mostly delivery guy.

Salim looks up to see a scene unfolding on the side of the road, a young lady wearing a kimono and some obvious tight clothes under the kimono was walking hastily out from the pharmacy there. She's holding on to two bags as she approached a really old lady who's barely walking straight. His curiosity perks up at the sight of the girl who is just so beautiful beyond his imagination. She's dark chocolate in complexion, a bit tall and curvy. The ideal woman for him. But from the looks of it, she's a tough nut to crack. He watches as she stops the old woman, and god save him, curiosity pushes him into rolling down his window by a little bit to observe properly. The car has tinted glasses so he's thankful that they can't know he's watching which just makes him feel bad again for eavesdropping and invading their privacy.

"Baaba, kin manta da jakar ki." Her voice. Oh God, her voice even though faint, he could hear how sweet her voice is. Her face doesn't carry any sort of expression or makeup, making it hard to know what she's thinking about or what her mood is.

"Nagode 'ya ta." The old woman replies in a shaky voice. She opens the purse and brings out an old N50 note. "Ga wannan ki sha ruwa."

The young lady stares between the naira note and the woman twice before scoffing. "Nagode. Wannan ai ko sigari bazata siya mun ba." The girl says, smirking and even I am surprised by her boldness and admission. "Oh god, I'm kidding Baaba, wasa ne." Talk about a dry sense of humour. This girl definitely looks and sounds like the one, I'm not even going to lie.

"Me sunan ki?" The old woman asks and the girl rolls her eyes.

"It's none of your business" she says silently "zaki tsallaka titin ne na raka ki?"

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