Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Labiba's POV

It's been exactly five days since I've last seen or heard from Salim. I miss Laila with all my might but I know it's for the best to be away from her. She's already the major person influencing my decision in this and the fact that I cannot say no to Abba.

I remember how Salim was all up in my business that day he came to see me, I can still smell the scent of his stupid Oil Surrati perfume and I don't even want to remind myself of how he always looks good and elegant.

On that particular day, he looked like he dressed up to come and see me but I refuse to let my mind believe that. That wine coloured yard he was wearing made him unbelievably handsome and I was surprised that I didn't even notice that when he was here until that night when I lay in bed recollecting memories of the day. Salim is undeniably handsome, the dimples upping his attractiveness from an 8 to a perfect 10. I've thought about that the first time I laid my eyes on him by Farouq and Salma's door. Even though he was wearing a suit that day and he looked tired, I couldn't help but appreciate his good looks.

"Abba zan je gidan Aunty Salma." I tell Abba when I meet him in his living room and he nods, gesturing for me to take a seat near him. That's when I notice that he's on the phone, so I sit by his feet and wait patiently for him to end his call. I use that opportunity to request an Uber and the rider is only 5 minutes away thankfully.

"Biba ta." He refers to me with his nickname for me and I smile as he puts his hand on my head, adjusting my veil. "A rinka gyara dankwalin nan dai."

"Toh Abba." I say as I adjust the veil. I can never wear a turban or head tie without having an awful migraine, that's why I always have something light on my head.

"Kin yi tunani a kan maganar nan kuwa Labiba?" That's odd. He's never talked to me about it since the day he informed me of it and I shake my head. "Alhaji Magatakarda ne ya kira, yace Salim is supposed to tell him his decision day after tomorrow but when they talked again, Salim yace kunyi magana and that the answer lies with you."

That bastard. There would be no guy I'd dislike in this life more than I dislike Salim. It's official.

"Abba sai na dawo dai Toh."

"Toh, Allah yayi albarka. A gai da Aunty Salman ko."

"Zata ji." I walk out of the house and find my Uber waiting. I get in without wasting time and turn on my phone, these days I spend half of the time with my phone switched off. I dial Humaira's number and she picks up on the first ring.

"Please tell me the message you sent me yesterday was a joke." She sounds angry. She has every right to be because I sent her a text saying "Aure ake so a min da Salim."

"And to think you're not the one in the situation." I say sarcastically, referring to her anger.

"I'm coming to see you right now, dama jira nake na gama lunch." She says. "Labiba dagaske kike dan Allah?"

"No, don't come out. I'm on my way to Salma's." I tell her quickly. "And have I ever joked to you about marriage issues?"

She's silent for a few beats and then she sighs "Oh my God, Labiba." She pauses, her words getting tied on her tongue. "I don't even know what to say."

I tell her how everything went down, my last discussion with Salim and how I hate the idea with passion of course and she listens patiently.

"Do you think Salim will tell them no?" She asks and I sigh. That has been the million dollar question in my mind ever since this thing happened.

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