Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Labiba's POV

Later that week, things have been going incredibly well between Salim and I. As this happens, I only get scared because I'm having the time of my life. Salim treats me like his only priority and he consults me on every aspect of his life. He even asks me of my opinion on which tie to wear with his suit or which cap or shoe to wear with his kaftan.

Just yesterday, when he was about to go out, I didn't know what came over him and he pecked me on the cheek and left. I was so shocked that I stayed rooted in place moments after he left. After that I didn't know what to do, so I did what I do best. I jumped into overthinking the situation and eventually I got so angry that Salim had invaded my personal space.

A part of me asked myself, was I angry because I wanted him to do it again or was I angry because I didn't stop him when I saw him approaching? I knew exactly what he was about to do and I let him do it. I didn't run away like I used to whenever he gets so close and touchy feely. I actually anticipated it. I had thought that If I felt this way over a single peck, my head would definitely burst from overthinking when something bigger happens.

The stubborn part of me had shouted that it was never going to happen again and when Salim came back, he must have noticed my mood because he went to take my hand and I pulled away, reminding him that all this is going to be over in two months. I'd seen how his jaw locked and his eyes shifted.

That was the last I had seen of him since yesterday and I'm worried because he left the house this morning without eating breakfast. He left as early as possible, without saying goodbye to us.

This very afternoon, I received a call from Walid telling me that his wedding date has been fixed for three months from now on. I'm happy for him, Walid deserves all the happiness and I still feel guilty for treating him the way I treated him when he expressed his feelings to me. Though my heart feels heavy that in the next two months, I might not be able to look at all of them in the face. I wouldn't want to see the disappointment on mummy's face, so the best thing is to avoid them.

Just when I'm done praying Asr, I hear the sound of Salim's car parking in the driveway and I quickly move to the parlour to meet him.

He looks up to see me as he closes the door behind him and ignores me.

"Welcome." I tell him and his eyes move to Laila who's jumping in her bouncer at the sight of him. "Will you eat or sai kayi wanka? I can wait for you." I so badly want to clear the thick tension in the air but Salim is having none of it.

His eyes look red and hooded as he moves over and kisses Laila's head. "Dada." She blabbers repeatedly. I have a feeling that something is wrong, he looks awful and tired and he came home early. On a normal basis, he'd pick up Laila and won't drop her until he's going to pray Maghrib.

"An saka ranar Walid." I blurt out quickly and he shakes his head in annoyance.

"Tell me something I don't know, Labiba"

Okay, now that's just crossing the limit "You don't have to be rude." I say, my anger trying to get the best of me too.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling fine." He says and that about sums it up. I move up to him and place my hand on his neck, making him shiver and close his eyes. His temperature is high and I wonder just what is bothering him.

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