Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

All day long, all I wanted was to go back home and have another talk with Labiba. I told her that I've decided to let her go but for the whole day, I realise that that's nothing short of impossible. I couldn't actually live in this house while she lives in another. She can't just give me a taste of what it's like to be with her and then leave, maybe she really doesn't love me now but I'd like for her to consider staying for another few months. If she really doesn't have any feelings for me, then I wouldn't hold her back anymore. I know it's selfish to ask for more but I have to do what I can for myself and Laila.

On my way to the office, I realise that I've left my phone at home and I shrug. This has become a habit for me, thankfully everyone has the office landline if they need me.

Upon my arrival to the office, I meet an unwelcoming sight of Safiyya waiting for me at the lobby. Ugh.

"Yaya." She says as she sees me. I ignore her and walk straight to the stairs, I can see that the elevator is under maintenance so I don't want to waste any more time listening to Safiyya. I take the stairs two steps at a time and to my surprise, Safiyya is following me and keeping up with the same energy. When I reach my office and I realise she wouldn't leave without actually talking to me, I let her come in.

"What do you want, Safiyya?"

"Yaya, I just want to come back. Please forgive me."

"What good would that do?" I ask her. "Safiyya, I found you a better place that pays better than whatever I pay you, it's also bigger than this place. And just so you know, I wasn't obligated to do all that for you, you don't deserve it."

"Yaya, it won't happen again. Wallahi."

"Get the fuck out, Safiyya." I tell her firmly. "What you are doing right now is also invading my privacy because you don't work here anymore."

"Why her, Yaya?" She asks and her stupid question only adds more fuel to my rage.

I am about to answer her when the door to my office opens, it's my assistant. "Sir, Mr. Falke said you've not been picking your calls."

"I forgot my phone again." I laugh at my EA. "Unless he wants my wife to answer his calls, direct him to the landline next time."

"Okay sir."

"Excuse me." I tell Safiyya as I point towards the door and look to my computer. "Stay away from this office, Safiyya because it might not get pretty for you next time."

She walks away from the office looking so angry and I sigh in exasperation. I don't know why and how Safiyya started behaving like this, she turned everything into a do or die affair and I couldn't tolerate that shit anymore.

The day passes by quickly and just as I'm about to leave the office, I call Labiba's line with the landline and to my surprise, her phone is switched off. That's unlike Labiba, her line is never switched off and she doesn't have any reason to switch it off deliberately. I guess she's in one of her moods. It's nothing I can't handle.

The first thing I noticed when I drove inside our compound is that Labiba's car is nowhere to be found, she always tells me when she's going out even if I'm not at home. I use my keys to open the house and the scent of my favourite incense hits my nose, I can faintly smell the aroma of my favourite food too and everywhere looks neat. The house looks like it has just been organised, maybe Labiba is in the house but where is her car? I move to the kitchen to check her but she's not around. The dining too, where there are different types of delicacies arranged.

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