Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Salim's POV

I open my eyes and thankfully, the pounding headache I've had for two days is now nowhere to be found. Those two days were simply the most bittersweet days of my life because even though I was sick, having Labiba near me and taking care of me all the time was something I didn't want to come to an end.

Yesterday, the house was full with guests coming to check on me. Eventually, I got tired of answering their greetings and started to get upset for keeping Labiba away from me. My family was the last to visit us at night and whenever Walid, Zahra and Labiba meet, it becomes a circus because the only thing you would hear is laughter and more of it.

Mummy and Daddy eventually got tired of their clownery and left. I stayed with them for a few minutes too but when I got tired, I stood up and walked to my room a little pissed that they're holding Labiba.

Twenty minutes later, Walid and Zahra have no intention of leaving so I dial Labiba's number. She picked up and I could hear a hint of laughter in her voice, I was now officially annoyed "Having fun without me?"

"Ka fito mana toh, ai ba koran ka akayi ba."

"You come in here." I told her. "I'm not feeling well, kizo ki bani magani." I said and she didn't say anything but I hear her voice in the background.

"I'm sorry, I have to go and deal with an overgrown baby." She said and I rolled my eyes.

My siblings laughed and they started saying their goodbyes which made me sigh in relief. My mission was accomplished so I hung up my phone.

The other night was great because I spent almost half of the night with my head on her laps and her fingers inside my overgrown buzz cut, massaging my scalp. I couldn't help but think that that was my perfect definition of an ideal night.

Labiba has changed. Her mean, sassy and savage self is still there and she shows up to play once in a while but nothing like how bitter she used to be. Maybe things will be different for her and she'll change her mind about leaving. I can't imagine her leaving the house now that I'm used to having her and I function better with her.

"So, we have guests apparently." Labiba says as she barges into my bedroom, holding her phone. Now that she doesn't feel awkward about coming in here, she's always in here all the time except when she wants to go to sleep. The other night, I persuaded her into watching a boxing show -which she hated, from the TV in my bedroom and she fell asleep on my shoulder. I decided not to wake her and adjusted her into a better position but when I woke up for Fajr, she wasn't there anymore.

"Good morning to you too." I say dramatically and she narrows her eyes at me.

"We have guests, it's already 10am and they said they'd be here before Zuhr. Thanks to you, I don't have a lot of stuff I need for cooking."

"But I barely ate anything in the past few days."

"But I could've gone shopping if you weren't being a big baby." She says as she moves to the bed and takes my hand, pulling me up. "We are going shopping."

"Labiba, at least let me eat breakfast." I tell her as I let her pull me to a stand. "Who are these guests?"

"Salma and Farouq." She says and I roll my eyes. She can't be serious, how are they guests in any aspect? "Humaira and Abdulhamid." Okay, now these I can treat as guests but those are family. They can go into the kitchen and cook whatever they want.

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