Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Labiba's POV

Tahir looks mad. Like he wants to strangle me with the USB cord he's holding. I get where his anger is coming from. I'd be mad at me too. Who tenders a resignation letter with only ten hours notice? Tahir's disgusting attitude aside, he doesn't deserve this. He calls me his secret weapon and he pitched this idea of a new invention to me a week before my sister died and here I am, telling him I can't continue working with his company.

"Was it because I visited you at home yesterday?" He asks and my brows furrow.

"What? No." I tell him as adjust my veil that keeps falling. I come to the office wearing casuals too just to send out my message clearly. "That was a kind gesture by the way, thank you."

"Then it's definitely that good for nothing Salim." He says through clenched teeth. Guess Salim is really a trigger for him. "He pushed you into doing this, didn't he? He's got you playing house with him, taking care of his daughter and-"

"All due respect, Tahir, stop right there." I'm starting to get mad too. I stand up from the chair "what I do in my personal hours is none of your business, I don't want to work anymore so I'm quitting." I shrug. "You don't have to drag Salim into this."

"Fine, go." He snaps. "There won't be a place for you if you ever want to come back though."

"I know how the business works, Tahir, everyone is disposable." I smirk at him. "Thanks for everything, I really appreciate the chance you gave me." And I'm saying this to him sincerely because he did do a lot for me. This guy retained me in his company after my service year. He pushed me into going to trainings that I didn't even have the clearance to go to just because he saw an asset in me. And I throw it all back in his face today.

I walk away from the office. I had to do what I did because I can't stand the idea of Laila being taken care of somewhere. I know Salim's family house is also family but I won't feel at ease if I let her go at this tender age. I believe she needs me just as much as I need her.

My car didn't stop until I'm parked in Magatakarda's family house in Wuse zone 2. Thank God I opted out for a skirt and blouse atamfa today, I couldn't stand Zahra's judgy little eyes. Just as I expected, she's seated in the main living room, watching TV. Does this girl go to school at all?

"Assalamu Alaikum" I say and she looks up, stare at me up and down before looking away and answering my salam grumpily. As if I care what this girl thinks about me. "I'm here to pick up Laila." I tell her without beating around the bush and she looks up at me, before she has the chance to answer me, I hear their mum shouting her name.

"Ke Zahra'u baza ki daina wannan kallon fitinan ba ko?" Mummy said coming out through the dining area and Zahra pouts like the brat she is, muttering something under her breath.

"Mummy ina yini." I say moving into the living room a bit further so that she could see me.

She turns around as if unsure of what she's hearing and it hits me, the first thought that came to her mind was definitely Falila, we have the same voice after all. "Labiba?" She comes near me and put her arm around my shoulder, I bend down a little to greet her again and she answers. "Lafiya kalau yar albarka, ke Zahra tafi ki kawo ruwa."

Zahra walks away from the living room and mummy gestures for me to take a seat, we sit for a few more minutes before Zahra comes back carrying a small tray in one hand and Laila's baby bag in the other. Lazy people's kind of work, clearly.

"Ai na dauka kina office war haka." It's almost 1pm so naturally, I should be in the office. I just shake my head at her and she nods in understanding, "kinzo dauke ta kenan." She says smiling and I laugh. "Ai kina kokari, Allah Yayi albarka."

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