Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
Labiba's PoV

Just like every other day, I wake up with a feeling of dread. Today more so because Salim is still upset since the day Salma gave birth, his answers come in either yes or no or ignoring me totally. I don't know why it bothers me that he's treating me like I don't exist, I keep thinking this is what I want but my heart doesn't seem to agree. If this is how he felt every time I made him upset, then it feels pretty shitty.

"Hajiya Bismillah." KB, his driver says and I roll my eyes. He's now sending any third party to talk to me if he can find one. Great.

I know it's an hour flight from Abuja to Kano but from the looks of it, it's going to be a long flight with Salim ignoring me.

I walk out of the house and I can already tell Salim is sitting inside the car because he's nowhere to be found and the tinted windows are not helping me a bit. I round my way to the driver's side and open the door to seat behind the driver's seat. I'm glad I made that decision because sitting in the owner's corner is Salim and some lady I don't recognise in the front seat.

"Good afternoon, madam." The lady says and I stare at Salim before answering her.

"Afternoon." I answer curtly because I don't like the fact that we're riding with a stranger to the airport. "Do you mind? I need to have a word with him."

"Okay." The lady answers without any form of disrespect and KB steps out of the car too.

"Do you want us to be late?" Salim's rude tone hits my ear.

"Actually, I don't mind if we miss the flight too but I'm not riding with whoever that lady is."

"She works for me, Labiba." He rubs his temple. "In what world do you think I like having Vanessa here?"

"You surely don't think I'm jealous, do you?" I ask him incredulously. The fact that he thinks I'm jealous of some bimbo that works for him is even too embarrassing for me to think of.

"Then what is this about?" He asks.

"You could start by telling me why she has to follow us."

"Because she booked the flight with her ID and phone number, there's a problem with the booking and she had to go there and rectify it."

"She couldn't do that by going on her own?"

"I didn't know this was going to be an issue, Labiba."

"Well, it clearly is." I say stubbornly. After a beat, I sigh and look up at him. "You know what, I don't even have the right to be all up in your business, I'm sorry."

"If she makes you uncomfortable, I can tell her to get an Uber." He says, suddenly turning soft and considerate. Something I haven't seen in him in days.

"No, let's just go." I shrug and he rolls down the glass and gestures for them to get in. After that, no one in the car utters a single word to anyone except for the calls Salim has been answering.

Upon our arrival to the airport, KB takes out both our luggages and gestures for one of the porters to come with a trolley. They mount all our luggages and we make our way to the departure waiting area to kill time before the flight.

After a few minutes, Vanessa comes back smiling and I instantly decide I don't like how jovial she is, always smiling and looking like nothing can upset her or make her tired. I also don't like how her knee length dress looks good on her and if this is all under a different circumstance, I'd have given Salim my piece of mind about working directly with her.

"I'm sorry again, sir." She says. "They made a mistake in entering my email address and ID. But everything is fine now. I apologise for any inconvenience." She explains.

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