Chapter 12

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This is a filler chapter. Bear with me, the next one would be so much better and longer. Please vote and comment, they're what keep writers like me motivated. I won't know how I'm doing if you don't tell me. 🤗🤗

Chapter 12
Salim's POV

I purposely keep the distance between Labiba and I as we get into Baba AbdulKarim's house. The audacity of Labiba will never cease to infuriate and surprise me. There's definitely something wrong with her and she doesn't know it yet.

The biggest lie I'd tell myself right now is that I'm in love with Labiba, I know that's a lie and Labiba knows it too. But I know I have feelings for her. Hell, I had feelings for her before I even knew who she was, then fate brought me together with Falila, only to realise that it was Labiba I first set my eyes on. I had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that Falila was not the person I saw the first time. That time, I had to put everything I felt in a box and tucked it somewhere far away where I didn't want to reach it again, but fate had a different idea for us. Our destinies have been entwined and the sooner she accepts that the better.

In a way, I understand where Labiba is coming whenever she says I'm into this because she looks like Falila. But the truth is, apart from their looks, nothing about them is the same. While Falila was always timid, Labiba is intimidating and courageous. Falila was soft and accepting, Labiba is callous and incorrigible. With all these, I don't mind because Labiba also has some qualities that I've never seen in Falila and I love those.

"Yaya." Zahra's voice calls out as we step onto the foyer, Zahra is standing with Safiyya while daddy is still conversing with Safiyya's father and I could hear them all the way from here. "Ina yini." Zahra greets Labiba and Labiba smiles that sickly sweet smile at her, turning to Safiyya.

"Sadiya, right?" Labiba says and I feel my face flush in embarrassment. She knows her name but she just wants to be mean about it. "How are you?"

"Safiyya." Safiyya bites out and Labiba nods innocently, looking apologetic, I can see right through her. "I'm fine."

"Ya jikin Baba?" Labiba asks again, she's being weirdly chatty and I don't like it. "Mummy was just telling us and we decided to come over," she leans in beside me and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Shall we, babe?"

"Yeah." I almost choke at her use of affection and her eyes on my face doesn't help me one bit. "Zahra, we'll see you at home." Daddy comes out that moment and both Labiba and I crouch down to greet him.

"Toh, su Salim ne?" Daddy says teasingly. "Ai mun jima bama ganin ka."

"Daddy, shekaran jiya ma fa nazo."

"Da kullum kake zuwa, Salim." Daddy says with a smile. "I'm not complaining, seeing as everything is going fine, Masha Allah." His gaze moves to Labiba who's innocently playing with her fingers and I don't know what to do with this woman. Her whole aim is to steal my family's heart and make me look like the bad guy. "Okay, let's get going."

They leave and Safiyya leads the way inside, she disappears inside the house as we make our way to the living room where her dad is sitting.

We greet him cordially and ask about his health and he answers us cheerfully.

"Wannan ce amaryar ko Salim?" He teases and I laugh as I look towards Labiba who's looking down and smiling too. If only it reaches her heart.

"Eh, Baba."

"Toh Allah Ya muku albarka, Allah Ya sanya alkhairi." He says as he gives us some advice before calling out Safiyya. "Take her in to greet your mother."

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