Chapter 3

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Salam Everyone. How are we all coping with the destruction this pandemic is causing? May Allah bring an end to it and may we have the strength and Iman to pass this test.

Remember to always make time for the Qur'an also, not just wattpad. Take care and be safe. ❣️


Chapter 3
Salim's POV

Over two weeks since my little spat with Labiba happened and I know what it's like to piss off a stubborn woman. I wouldn't advise anyone to try it because it's not fun. She blocked my calls, but I saw her once when I took Laila over for the weekend, she was on the phone and she didn't notice me until she was halfway in the living room. The minute she saw Laila, her eyes sparked up and Laila started blabbering, reaching for her with her tiny hands but the moment Labiba set her eyes back on me, a shadow fell over her face and she frowned, took two steps back before turning away and leaving.

Abba has travelled to Lagos for a two weeks workshop and Hajiya went to visit her family in Yola, leaving Labiba all alone in the house with their househelp. After staying for more than 30 minutes and I realised she was not coming back for Laila, I took her and left.

I knew I hit a nerve with Labiba when I told her I was taking Laila to Mummy but I didn't realise it was going to be this big. It's now two weeks since the day I took Laila and Labiba walked out on us and I still couldn't get it out of my mind. Labiba did everything she did to make things easier for me and Laila and I just threw it back in her face.

Today, I decide to come and wait for Labiba at home till she's back and we can talk this thing out. She can't be mad at me forever. Or maybe she can, this is Labiba we're talking about after all.

A few minutes after I've parked my car, her own car drives into the compound at that crazy speed of hers and I don't know how she's different from every single woman I know in this world. Another thing I notice about Labiba is that she never stays outside past six pm. Wherever she goes, she'll be back home by six pm and if that isn't an impressive quality, I don't know what is.

She gets out of the car, pretending I'm not there and starts walking towards the house "Labiba, please." I say in a manner that tells her I'm tired of all this and I don't know how that did it but she stopped. "I'm sorry."

"You took everything I have been doing" she pauses and starts walking towards me. "And throw it back in my face."

"I was wrong." I whisper in an apologetic manner. "Laila needs you." I look into her eyes. "I do too, I can't do this without your help."

She stares at me for what feels like minutes, as if staring to see what or where I could go wrong again. She only nods her head and turns around, walking towards the house.

"That's it?"

"I have nothing to say to you, Salim." She says without turning back and I start following her. "I'm doing this for Laila, not you."

"Do I get dinner?" I tease and I could see that she's smiling and I give myself a high five inwardly.

"I cooked cauliflower rice." She turns to look at me with a smirk and I stop dead in my tracks. So she wasn't smiling because I got to her, she was smiling in a wicked manner because she knows I can't eat what she cooked. I hate cauliflower. Labiba is really incorrigible.

"Magani na ma." I pout. "Ashe Abba ya dawo shekaran jiya. I called him yesterday yake fada mun."

"Yep." She opens the door and I make a move to enter the house but she stops in front of me. "Where are you going?"

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