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This epilogue was posted along with Chapter 1 of SHADOW OF DOUBT, do check it out for a different experience.


Three months later

I'm more than excited to inform Salim about the news as I drive back home. A part of me is still mad and fighting with Salim over what he did to me two weeks ago and just yesterday night, he was trying to blackmail me into agreeing again.

That's why I went to the hospital alone without him because he didn't even know I had an appointment. I just woke up early and told him I was going out, he had asked where I was going. "You can just tell me not to go out instead of you to be interrogating me." I had said to him and he only shook his head in exasperation.

"Allah Ya baki hakuri, naga kin saba fada min inda za ki je ne." He said and I immediately felt bad for being rude but Salim was only being like that because he knew he was at fault.

That was one of the best things about him. He always knows when he's wrong and he'll do whatever it takes to put things into perspective and not provoke you anymore. But when he's not at fault and he knows it, you can't pin anything on him. I learnt this the hard way with him and we had our first real fight with him that day.

I was wrong but I kept beating around the bush, not ready to accept that I was wrong. Salim had sat me down and told me not to be a child, he had looked into my eyes and told me that he never feels too big to apologise when he's wrong and I should do the same too. He practically forced the apology out of my mouth and left me sitting there all embarrassed. I had to show him that I was really sorry before we got back to normal again.

This time around though, he's entirely at fault because this was the third time he tried to postpone our honeymoon and I told him it's either we go this time around or I'm not going altogether. Each time he had postponed was because of work and just yesterday, he asked me to give him two more days and leave next week instead of this week. I disagreed and he hasn't said anything about it since then so I guess he's going with what he wants.

As I drive back home, my phone starts ringing with mummy's call and she quickly informs me that Walid's wedding has been postponed. She is clearly busy because she hang up with the promise to talk later. I enter the house and surprisingly, his car is still at home meaning he hasn't left for work. I wonder what he's still doing at home because he should be at the office by this time. I left his breakfast on the table before I went out so what is he still doing at home?

I unlock the living room door and I see him sitting in his jallabiya on the couch with the DStv remote in his hand. He answers my salam and turns to look at me before turning his attention back to the TV. "Kin dawo da wuri."

"There's no need to stay long outside when I have nothing to do anymore." I tell him. "Kaci abinci? And come to think of it, what are you still doing at home?"

"Ba kya son gani na ne Labiba?" He's trying to use that cute voice on me as he stands up but I narrow my eyes at him before making a beeline towards the kitchen. He takes my hand and turns me around to look at him, smiling slyly.

"Ni ka kyale ni." I pout dramatically as I push against his chest but he's holding me firmly. I won't admit it to him but I like it when he's all over me like this, pampering me.

"Haba Biba ta." He smiles as he drops his forehead to mine. "My annual leave started today fa because of you." He says and I feel relief washes over me. "We'll be leaving whenever you want us to leave."

Now I suddenly feel guilty for making him drop everything to come with me for our honeymoon. My eyes suddenly fill with tears and I look up at him, making him sigh. Maybe everything I'm feeling right now is the hormones and as Salim's palms start rubbing my arms, my tears drop and he shakes his head.

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