Chapter Five: One Drink Too Many

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"Hey." Christian comes here almost every night. I'm starting to think he likes me because we literally go into a private room talk and then he gives me money. Who comes to a strip club just to talk? We went into a private room. He had a bottle and two cups with him. He doesn't know I'm only 19. We sat. He poured me a drink. I drank it and he drank one too. We had a couple before I realized I was drunk.
"Christian you are so sexy." I straddled his lap.
"Thank you."
"You want me?"
"You want me to have sex with you? Obviously that's what you want."
"No Malaysia you got it all wrong."
"I'm high school these guys wanted me so they drugged me."
"What did you just say?"
"Huh? Nothing."


I decided it was best that I took Malaysia home. I took her to my car. I put her on the hoodie I had in the back.
"Where do you live?" I asked her.
"No I can't go home. He doesn't know I'm a stripper."
"Who? You're boyfriend?"
"No silly my dad."
"You still live with your parents?"
"Yes daddy is very overprotective."
"Then maybe I could take you to your boyfriends house."
"He doesn't know either. You got anymore of that stuff you gave me?"
"No you don't need any more to drink. Is this your first time drinking." She nodded.
"25 years of life and you never drank."
"I'm not 25."
"Well how old are you?"
"What!" Fuck I'm in so much trouble now. I got a 19 year old drunk.
"You know you are really handsome."
"You have a boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend. We just have lots of sex. I want him to be my boyfriend tho." She kissed me. I stopped the car.
"Malaysia you can't do that."
"Why not?"
"I should really get you home."
"I can't go home. My dad will kill me. He's in a gang so I know he will."
"Let's go to your house."
"Because I find you attractive and your drunk. You are way under my age limit. You are already tempting me." She is gorgeous.
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Is there really no where I can take you?"
"Then I guess we're going to my place." We went to my house. I escorted her inside. I picked her up and took her upstairs. I laid her down on my bed before grabbed a bottle of water and some aspirin. I gave them to her.
"You're gonna have a terrible headache tomorrow."
"Yeah I know."
"You can sleep in here and I'll sleep downstairs on the couch."
"You're telling me you live in this big ass house and you only have one bedroom?"
"I just moved remember. I haven't had time to get the other rooms decorated."
"Oh yeah."
"Malaysia can I ask you a question?"
"How did you end up being a stripper at such a young age?"
"I needed money."
"Because my dad is very strict and overprotective. I'm not even kidding when I say he's killed someone for touching me." I scooted away from her.
"I just have to get out of the house with him. I'm not allowed to leave the house by myself. He has to know where I'm at every second of the day. I-"
"Malaysia I know about your dad and all but I wanna know why stripping in particular."
"I don't feel comfortable talking about it."
"Malaysia you can talk to me about anything."
"When I was in high school I wasn't popular or very pretty. I later found out that the only real friend I had was Shakur. But anyways so one day while I was in the 10 grade. There was this guy I really liked. His name was Corey. He came up to me on day and he was flirting with me. He asked if I wanted to come over to his house. I said yes. I told my dad I would be over at Shakur's house and I had Shakur cover for me. I rode the bus to his house. When I got there a couple guys from the football team there. Corey took me upstairs to his room. He talked but then he started feeling and touching. He kissed me and then he started taking off my clothes. I told him to stop because I was a Virgin even though I wasn't. Then he kissed me and tried taking off the my clothes again. He said that he was gonna have sex with me whether I let him or not so I better pretend to enjoy myself. Then he-" He raped her. She cried into my arms. I held her as she cried. She wiped her eyes.
"He raped me and his friends did too. They recorded it and posted on the internet. I became the girl who let the football team run through her. No one believed I was raped. They thought I was just saying that because I got exposed. I was known as the school hoe even though I've only been with one guy for real."
"Wait you've only been with one guy?"
"Ok finish your story."
"People started saying I was a hoe so I kinda started to act like one besides the having sex part. I dressed like one and I got this job as a stripper because one that video was everywhere and no one would hire me besides Cisco and I needed fast money. He tried to get me to have sex with him for the job but then I told him who my dad is and left left me alone for a while until a couple months ago. When he- you know what I'm not gonna sit here and talk about every time I've been sexually assaulted."
"If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here."
"I don't want to talk. Maybe I should call Shakur and tell him to come pick me up."
"I can take you to his house if you want."
"Ok. Can I borrow some basketball shorts or something?" I gave her a pair of basketball shorts. She put them on. Malaysia about 5'5 and probably about 120-130 lbs. I'm twice her size. So my clothes look hella baggy on her. She looks so cute tho. We got in my car and I drove her to her friend's house.
"Bye Christian."
"Bye beautiful." I made sure she went inside before I pulled off.


"Malaysia where the hell have you been? You know your dad is crazy and I can't cover for you all the time."
"I can make it up to you."
"I will make it up to you."
"Where were you?"
"I was with a friend."
"What friend? You don't have any friends."
"It's not important."
"Malaysia ain't nobody playing with you."
"I was with Christian."
"Who's Christian?"
"This guy I met at work."
"You were with a guy you met at a club! Malaysia are you crazy!!"
"He didn't do anything I didn't want him too."
"Wait wtf does that mean!?! You had sex with this nigga?"
"No." He looked at me hella hard.
"Malaysia have you been drinking?"
"Just a couple drinks."
"You aren't old enough to drink!"
"You smoke weed its like the same thing."
"No it's not."
"Why do you care where I was anyways? You told your little friends that you would never date me because I give it up to easy. You remember that."
"You know I didn't mean that shit. How did you even hear that?"
"Don't worry about that. Just know I heard you say it."
"Stop I just came over here because I'm drunk and I didn't want to go home. Oh and by the way you're the only guy I've been with." I was about to go upstairs.
"Wait Malaysia I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
"Yeah whatever I'm going to bed."

End of chapter

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