Chapter Eighteen: Shakur's POV

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We are getting close to the end of book one. The next few chapters will be different. This chapter will be the wedding from Shakur's point of view and the next chapter will be the wedding from Malaysia's point of view.


Today is the big day. I'm currently getting a hair cut.
"My homie is getting married boy. You nervous?"
"Hell Yeah. Malaysia's dad is gonna be there and he doesn't even want me to marry Malaysia. I want everything to go right."
"Everything will be perfect. Ok you done." I got up and paid him. Now I got to go get ready at the house. Malaysia is getting ready at a hotel with Nicole, Dominique and her other bridesmaids. I went to the house.
"Finally you get here! Malaysia has called me a hundred times wondering if you were here."
"Well I'm here now. I needed an edge up." I don't know why Malaysia wanted him in the anyways. Why would I want the only other guy my wife has hooked up with as one of my groomsmen? We went inside.
"Here's yo suit nigga." Malik said handing me my suit. My suit was White and the vest was a coral color. My groomsmen have black suits with coral colored vests. We all got dressed.
"The limo is outside. We got to go because they gotta drop us off then go pick up Malaysia." We went to the venue.
"Malaysia we are at the venue. Girl stop stressing!" Jay said. He hung up the phone.
"Why does she keep calling you?"
"Because no one will let her call you." His phone rang again.
"Take this." He handed me his phone and he walked away.
"Shakur? Oh my gosh. Is everything ok? Is my parents there? What about your mom? Is the venue all set up? Baby I'm so nervous. What if I fall on my face in front of everybody? I want this to be perfect!"
"Everything is gonna be perfect babe. So just take a deep breath and relax. I love you and I'll see you when you get here. So can you please stop calling Jay before I have to hurt him for yelling at you."
"Ok I'll see you at the altar. I love you."
"Bye I love you too." I hung up the phone. We waited in a room. Where the hell are the girls? The wedding starts in like 30 minutes and they should have been here by now. About 10 minutes later the wedding planner walked in.
"The bride is running a little late but they should be here any minute."
"Why is she late?"
"People were running late and there was traffic.  It was all over the place but they should be arriving."
"Ok." Once she left I started freaking out!
"Oh my god this is gonna be terrible! Why is everyone late! Oh god we can't get married. I need air." I step outside. Rashad came out the church.
"Man everything is gonna be fine."
"Oh my god where is Hakeem? Did I bring him?"
"He's with yo daddy in law. How you forget where yo child is?"
"I'm stressed man."
"Shakur chill out. Look there's the limo with the girls now. Get your ass in there." We went inside. We stood in there order we had to walk in which was the officiant, Malaysia's mom, me, Malik and Nicole, Rashad and Dominique, Q and Dasha, Chad and Alisha, my baby girl Nia, then Malaysia and her dad make there big entrance. Malaysia is somewhere else but I can't wait to see how beautiful she looks. Everyone was seated. The officiant went in and then the processional started. Malaysia's mom went in, then once she was seated I went in. I took my place at the altar. All the bridesmaids and Groomsmen walked in. Then my baby girl walked in. She got a little distracted. She threw a couple flowers petals down.
"Nia come to daddy." I said holding my arms out for her. She walked to me. Nicole took her hand.
"Now stand as we receive the bride." Everyone stood up. I wait for her to come in. The music started playing. Malaysia and her dad started walking down the isle. Words couldn't describe how beautiful Malaysia looked. I stared at her in awe.
"Do you give this woman to this man?" The officiant said to Marco. He hesitated.
"....I do."  He lifted her veil and kissed her cheek. Then he took his seat next to Malaysia's mom. Malaysia gave Nicole her bouquet. I helped her upstair. The Officiant said a few words of welcome.
"Now the bride and groom have prepared vows to share."
"Malaysia Octavia Alizé Banks. I love you so much. I've known you my entire life and I couldn't imagine my life without you. I promise to love you unconditionally for the rest of my life. I promise to grow and build our lives together. All I have in this world I give to you, I promise to hold and keep you, comfort, protect, and shelter you, for all the days of my life."
"Shakur Alexander Michaels. I vow to love you as you love me, through all hardship, darkness, and pain to reach for our joys, our hopes, and always with honesty and faith. I vow to be the best wife and mother I can be. I love you Shakur Michaels." Damn She got a nigga tearing up. I wiped my eye. We did the exchange of rings.
"Shakur Alexander Michaels do you take Malaysia to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"Malaysia Octavia Alizé Banks do you take Malaysia to be your Lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Well Shakur you may kiss the bride." I passionately kissed Malaysia wrapping my arms around her waist. Everyone started clapping.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. I present you mr. and Mrs. Shakur Michaels." We walked down the isle and out the church. Then we got in the car which was taking us to the reception venue.
"I love you Shakur."
"I love you too." I kissed her again.
"You look amazing by the way."
"Thank you. You look great too."

End of chapter

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