12. Little girl

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Nathan White

I loosen my tie and closed my laptop. I'm looking at my watches and It's already 1.00 am. I streched my head.. I always get home late night everyday.. I need to work work and work so I could disctracted my thought from everything that I don't want to be in my mind. I always drowned my self with working and working..

I'm heading to my private elevator with Darren my personal bodyguard. I give him my bag and my laptop then heading back to the elevator with him following behind me.

When the elevator comes to ground floor then open up. I see a little girl sit hugging her knees in front of the elevator. I can't see her face.

"What the hell?! Why there is girl in here in the midnight, where is the security guard?" I said.

I kneel beside her. Is she still alive? I touched her forehead with my pointed finger.

"Hey... hey.... " She still didn't move anyway.

"Sir... I think she's sleeping." Darren said. I tapped her shoulder again and she's moving but not yet awake.

"Hmmmm" She's mumbling and trembling and shifting her face but she still laid down on her knees.. Oh she just sleeping.

I look at her face. Why it's look familiar for me? I watch her for minutes before Darren said.

"Sir.. should I call the police? or if you allowed I'm gonna take her to my place." I still thinking, She remind me to someone but who is it?

"No.. don't call the police.. I don't want any news about this. I take her to my place?"

"What?" Darren seems like he didin't hear what I said before.

I take off my suit then wrapped around her then take her with my arms.

"Do you want me to take her sir?"

"No.. I'll do it" I said. I don't know why I did it but I just take her. It's weird.. Maybe tomorrow after she's awake, I will asked Darren to take her home. I get in the car with her in my arms. She move slowly changes her position in my arms then she hug me and laid her heads on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry mom... I just want to see him.." She's mumbling. I thought she had a dreams.

"Ssshh..." I hissed and caress her back until she breath slowly and sleep calmly again.

When I arrived at my penthouse, I still take her into my room and put her on my bed. I take off her shoes and her backpacks and covered her with the duvet. I took her backpacks. Maybe She had an identity inside this. I open the backpacks and there are a small teddy bear with one pink ribbon on the ear than a bottle of water, then a few dollars and a photograph.

I stare it blankly.. photo of me and her.. why she had this photo? who is she? I start to think..she... she looks familiar to me.. yes.. she looks like her.. She looks like Ella.. how this could be happen? Is she her daughter? What is she doing at my office? I can't wait to wake her up and ask her many many question about these.

Ella.. then I keep thinking about her again...

She left me... She fucking left me!

Yes.. she left me without any words...

When I found her.. Everything already late..

I lost her.. I lost her forever...

She getting married..

She pregnant..

She live happily with her daughter..

Two years later she has her second daughter..

I get downstairs and sit on the bar stool.. pouring a bit liquor for my blood.. I really need to sort these things out from my mind..

I was thinking about her again! Stupid Nathan!

Me, Mom with(out) Daddy (COMPLETE- ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now