38. Find You

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Ariella Grace

"We gonna landing soon" Richard  came and sit across me.

"Yes" I nodded and look at the other seat. Anna and Alya was sleep on their seat. I see at the seatbelt to make sure they're safe there. After Richard came this morning, we decided to come with him on his private jet and heading back to Los Angeles.

"What is that?" I look at him while he ask an envelope on my lap.

"Oh.. my ticket"

"Your ticket? Are you going somewhere?"

"Hmmm last night I've book the ticket for me and my daughters to go to LA, I just decided to go there with the kids before you came this morning..We are going to meet him."

"Oh.. glad that I came and meet you before you're going."

"Yes... sir"

"Just call me Richard or papa would be good." I look at him.

"Okay.. papa.. may I ask you something?"

"Yes.. anything.."

"What happen with the wedding? Sorry to ask about this but he never tell me anything about it." I shrug.

"He never came to the church at his wedding day.. I don't even know where he was at that time.. he just gone.. He always been looking for you.. He told anyone, told all the bodyguard to find you but I always hiding everything from him.. I tried many things in my power to not let him find you.. but one day I was thinking maybe he already forgot you then I neglect with hiding the truth..He came with the information that he find you, that you lived in Seattle and already together with someone else and with your baby.. my granddaughter..and he didn't believe it, he decided to go there, checking by his self and want to meet you. I let that happen.. I thought that's the best way to made him realized that he should move on with his life after two years since you left.. but I was wrong.. I always wrong." He smile sadly. I hold his hand on the table give him strength.

"He... He getting worst that time.. sometimes he get drunk, sometimes he works 24/7 .. I know it.. working is the best distraction from the thought of you.. he's like me when I've lost my wife.. We just don't know how to deal with the situation that we couldn't bear.. and the worst part was when he found out that I and his step mothers was someone who arranged all this scenery that makes you left him. After that moment, he never want to meet me again.. I knew and I understand.. I'm really screw up.. You should hate me with what I did to you and him."

"No.. don't say that... I'm happy that you came to meet me this morning.. that means you loved him and will do anything for him." I see he smiling and nodded.

"I'm sorry for everything.. That was a huge mistake that I've ever made.. I already ruin everything between you and him."

"That's okay.. everything's gonna be okay now.. past is in the past, we can turn back the clock, but you always have this present and tomorrow."  He nodded.

"May I asked again?"

"Yes.. "

"Where is Mrs White? I mean Nathan's step mother?"

"We just split for over years ago.."

"Sorry to hear that, I don't mean-"

"That's okay.. she... she made me do many terrible things to my only son.. and I was just so stupid to realized about it. When I realized what I did to my son, I was already late. He didn't want to talk to me anymore, even don't want to meet me again.. I've try to fixed everything but I thought you've been marriage.. You are strong woman.. you take care of your daughters by yourself.. I'm sorry for that one..I wish I could do something to fixed it" he shakes his head.

"That's okay.. I will do anything in my power to keep the kids safe because that's what parents do.."

We just landed and Richard took us go to his penthouse.

"Hi Mrs. Sulivan" Anna came and hug her.

"Hi... It's so surprise to meet you... and I'm glad you came Mrs. Grace, let me help you with your belongings." She came and greet me.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Where is he?" Richard ask her.

"He just leave about an hour ago..I don't know where he go"

"I will try to call him" I said and made a phone call.

The ring sound waiting him to pick up the calls, I hope he will answer my calls. I look at Richard and shakes my head.

"He didn't answer the phone" then we look at Darren who came into the penthouse.

"Mr. White.. Mrs. Grace... nice to see you there."

"Hai Darren.. do you know where is him?"

"I'm not sure Mrs. Grace.. but I think I could check the GPS from his car.. We have a tracker on his car just for safety."

"Please call me with Ariella, okay.. Just tell me when you get his location."

"Okay Mrs.. I mean Ariella." he smile.

"Mommy.. I'm sleepy." Alya said and sign me to pick her up.

"Come on with granpa"Richard has came closer and pick her.

"Let's have some nap little princess" I see Alya laid her head on his shoulder and he holding Anna in the other hand.

"I'll manage the kids.. just go and bring him back home Ella.." Richard said and take them to go upstairs.

I following Jane and get inside the room. I see Darren have checking something in his laptop.

"I know where he is." he look at me and Jane.

"Can you take me there?"

"Yes" we heading to the basement and Darren drove the car. I just hold my hand on my lap. Nath.. I will come and find you..

"Is it still far away?" I ask him.

"No.. just 10 minutes more to get there."

I could see from the window, we get in the park and I see the mansion. What is he doing here...

"Miss.. we just arrived." I take a look and see another car stop right in front of us.

"Where is it?"

"This is the mansion that Mr White has bought seven years ago... he just rebuilding and redecorate the mansion.. That's what I knew Miss."

"Okay.. Thank you Darren.." I get out from the car and make my way to the mansion.

Me, Mom with(out) Daddy (COMPLETE- ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now