28. Think

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Ariella Grace

I was lately home.. after helping Daniels with his new apartment. I couldn't denied when he asked me to have dinner with him. I see there are some pizza on the table. They must be waiting me for dinner. It's 10 pm, they must be already sleep. I get upstairs and slowly open the door and even the room was dark, I could see they're already sleeping. I just stand for awhile staring at Nathan who laid beside both of my girls, he sleep too. Slowly I closed the door and heading back to my room. I just clean up my self, changes my pajamas and get down stairs.

I see the lights was turn on in the kitchen. I see Nathan just having a glass of water. I couldn't hide my smile while I see he with his white shirt with his lips full of lipstick and all the little lips all over his face.

"Ummm.. you're home?"

"Yes.. you already awake? I see you sleeping there and don't wanna wake you." I also see his nails have a blue and red color while he handing a glass.

"Um yes.. I just playing with them and so tired today and get asleep." He smile and I walk closer and wipe a red color in his cheek.

"What they did to you?" I smile and  took a little towel and sign him to sit beside me. I wipe his cheek, all the red stain on his face. I also took a nail polish remover and wipe on his fingers. I just can imagine how they're having fun here. I should be here and not going with Daniels. What? what is that come from? Ella... he just be here because of your daughter.. what are you thinking this will be going further?

"Now you're done." I said as I look at him. and I just could feel his lips on mine.

Time seems stop and pulling me back while I was in his arms. His soft lips are always perfectly touch mine. This feeling.. I keep remember when we were together again.. but this time I just can stand still. He touched his forehead with mine while I just can closed my eyes. This is wrong... completely wrong.. we shouldn't...

"is it too late to wish that one day.. If I had a chance.. I wanna have a family with Anna, Alya as my daughter? and you as mine?" I pull back and look at him.

"I can't..." I shakes my head. I couldn't just break someone's life because of my own happiness..

"Why? Just tell me?"

"You... you've been married.. I couldn't... " He hold my hand tightly and chukled.

"No.. I'm not..." he smile.

"I saw it.. the day on your wedding day, I was there.. I was there in the cab in front of the church.. I see the bride, all people are together." we both keep silent and staring each other.

"Why do you leave me?" he touched my cheek.

"I wish I never did but I have too.. Honestly....I really wanna kidnapping you at that time... I wanna take you away with me... I just can't imagine you with someone else.. but I don't have any nerve for that.. I just knew I was pregnant after I get back to seattle.. and I decide to get back and tell you the truth, but It's too late for me.. It's your wedding day... I don't wanna ruin everything.."

"You're ruin my life."

"did I?" I see his smile.

"Yes... very badly." he nodded and I just smile. He show me his fingers.


"No rings... no yet married.." he said.

"What? what do you mean?" I just don't understand what he said.

"I've never come to the church that time.. that's all my father's plan.. I didn't knew anything about it.. I was just so devasted and frustated at that time.. and just thinking what should I do to get you back.. You're leaving.. I tried to call you thousand times.."

"did... did you-" I just can't believe what he said before. The wedding? I knew after that day, I just promise to myself to move on with my baby and have a new life.

"I wish you call me.. but you never call." he said.

"I did.. once.."

"did you?" then he seems thinking.

"The one call in the night.. no words.. is that you?" I just nodded. I just can't understand, my eyes start watering.

"Um..sorry." I wipe my tears.

"Hey... don't cry.." he wipe the tears as he always did before.

"Destiny seems made a mess with us?" I smile.

"Yes.. it also tricked us.. right?" I nodded.

"The first time I see you in LA.. I was really scared..I'm scared that you take our daughter from me."

"I won't take them from you.. not only our daughters.. I was plan to take Anna, Alya dan you."

I smile. This the best statement for me. Can I have you again Nath? but after seven years, does it too fast , I just can't believe all of these.. people always said there's rainbow after the storm.. did I have my own rainbow now after all the storm in my life?

"After what already happened between us... it's still the same for me Ella.. I still love you Ella... please give me a chance.. give me a chance to be a good father for our daughter? and chance to be your man?" I could feel my heartbeat racing.

"Can I think about this?"

"Yes... but you're not thinking about running away from me again right?" I chuckled and we both smile.

"No.. no more running away.. just give me time...for me.. for us...and I will give you the answer.. soon.."

"Alright.. It's late, Darren just waiting me outside.. and I still have work to do. I think I should get back."

I nodded and walk him outside.

"Umm.. would you mind if I asked you for dinner? tomorrow?"

"Yes.." I nodded.

"Great.. goodnite." then he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnite Nath."

Me, Mom with(out) Daddy (COMPLETE- ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now