1. Anna Rose Grace

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Anna Grace

Hi... I'm Anna Rose Grace.. you can call me just Anna..like my mom and my friends calls me. I'm 6 years old but this year I'm turning 7 years old. I can't wait for my birthday on September.. I have one little sister. Her name is Alya Rose Grace. You can call her just Alya. She is so adorable. She's 5 years old. I love her, Mom loves her too.. more than she loves me I guess.. but I also loves her so much.. I know that since she was born, she has a trouble with her lungs and sometimes when she get really tired, she should take nasal cannula to help her breath normally.. That's why mom really protective with her.

I have a blue eyes and blonde hair. Different with Alya. She had a hazel eyes like my mom and she also had brown hair too. I was wondering am I looks like my daddy? Maybe my Daddy had a brown hair and blue eyes like me, because mom always staring at me and looking deep through my eyes.

My mom works as a lecture in the university, she always busy at her works but she always had a bed time story for me and Alya. She also take a good care for me and especially for Alya. Sometimes I really want someone who will take care of her too.. I hope it is my Dad.

Dad? I don't know who is my dad. I never see him, not in a person neither even in a picture. I ever asked my mom about this. Mom always and always said that as long as we happy and stay together, Alya, me and her that's all matter. She always avoided this question and I don't want to asked more cause her eyes always watering and I don't like see her tears. She crying a lots I know cause I ever heard she crying while I woke up in the middle of the night, but she always smiling in front of me and Alya.

I put my hair pin then look at my self in the mirror. Today is Alya first day at school. I need to take care of her. No one can hurt her, not in a words or anything else.

"Anna" That's my mom calling me from downstairs.

"Yes Mom... Coming.." I get my backpack and get downstairs.

"Come on fluffy.. we need to get our breakfast." I opened the door for my dog and heading to the dinning room.

"Mom... I think I don't want to go to school." I look at Alya said to mom while I sit on my chair.

"Honey.. We already discuss about it.. You'll be okay." Mom kiss her forehead then place a plate of scramble eggs.

My little sister, Alya will be on kindergarten and I'll be on primary school. Mom is a bit nervous about these. I heard while she talked with Aunty Marie on the phone. She always thinking a lot about Alya.

"Anna.. what are you thinking about?" mom kneel down beside me, I gasped shock cause I've been caught in my imagination.

"No... I just thinking about my new school today." I smile.

"Are you good?" mom checking my temperature on my forehead.

"Mommm.. I'm good" I hold her hand and she kiss me. I stand up from my chair dan go towards Alya.

"Hei bunny.. are you excited for your first day?" I asked.

"I'm scared." She pouting.

"What are you scared for?"

"I don't like being alone.. without you and without mommy around me."

"bunny.. listen to me.. you're not alone. There are Mrs. Diana in kindergarten. She's really nice. I know her when I was in first grade like you.. beside that, you'll meet new friends.. a lot of friends." I smile and hold her tiny fingers.

"Are they want to be friends with me?" she asked hestitately

"Of course they want it.. Why not? You're beautiful, adorable and you're my sister.. I will protect you from everything.. remember our promise?" I give my littlefinger to make a pinky promise with her, she take my littlefinger.

"You're my sister and I will protect you, and I love you always dan forever." We spell it together.

"What if they don't like me?" She said.

"Well.. they shouldn't, or maybe they should facing me on duel." I rising up my eyebrow.

"Are you ever fighting? and win?"

"I don't know.. we will figure it out" She giggles and I stand up.

"Let's go!" she holds my hands and I help her with her small backpacks.

Me, Mom with(out) Daddy (COMPLETE- ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now