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Dahyun's POV
I hate seeing Momo sad. But I also hate that Sana girl who stole my Momo's first love away from her. I did have a crush on Momo back then but I didn't want to cause more trouble between her and Mina. Even though it hurts me the most.

"Hey, Momo." I said. She didn't look at me. I put my hand on her shoulder and she finally looked at me. "Did you do it?" She asked. "Did you take Mina away from Sana for me?" I was afraid to tell her that I didn't do what I promised her. She will be devastated.

"Momo I'm sorry." I apologized. "For what?" She asked. I looked at her before speaking again. "I did not do what I told you. It's just I don't like you being around Mina so much. I know you miss her but I really wish that you can at least have a chance and to be with me for a while." I explained.

She didn't say a word. I was scared for what's about to come. Momo always scared me when she was angry. But this time she didn't yell at me or tried to hit me. She actually hugged me which shocked me the most.

"Thanks Dahyun." She whispered. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Don't mention it." I said. She let go of me and held my hand. I blushed at the sudden action. This is actually happening between us. I'm finally going to be comfortable with my crush Momo.

As we were walking together she stopped. I was curious as to why she stopped then I followed her gaze and saw Sana and Mina kissing. I gasped as I held Momo closer. She hugged me as she cried on my shoulder. I comforted her and glared at Mina who was sucking the face off of Sana.

How could she do this! To Momo! To my Momo! She is going to pay for this! I will make her wish she was dead!

"D-dahyun p-please t-take m-me h-home." Momo studdered. I obeyed as I took her home. I know how Momo feels I was like that when she and Mina got close to each other. I couldn't bare to watch them so I became distant from Momo. Now she needs me more than ever now.

I will make her forget about Mina. I'll treat her better than Mina did. I'll make her feel good than Mina did. Mina doesn't have a chance with my Momo and she'll never will.

Momo's POV
I can't believe she did that in front of me. She kissed Sana. And I thought she loved me. I guess not anymore but why should I care anyway. I have Dahyun here with me. And she actually makes me feel safe whenever I'm around her. It's like this feeling inside just makes me so soft for her that I just don't want it to go away.

"Momo we're here." Dahyun says. I nodded as she went to go help me out of her car. I smiled as she held my hand walking me to my doorstep that used to be both Mina and I's but not anymore. "if you need anything just know that I am always here for you." Dahyun said.

I nodded as she hugged me and pulled away. I grabbed her hand as she looked at me. "What's wrong Momo?" She asked. I stepped closer to her put my hand on her cheek and leaned in closer capturing her lips with mine. She moved her mouth along with mine as our tongues battled in dominance.

I pulled away trying to capture my breath as she was breathing heavily too. I smiled smugly at her as I brought her inside my house and shut the door quietly.

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