2: Getting "Friendly"

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Everyone begins to get more comfortable, and I grab my book from my bag and try to start reading, even though I don't see how its even possible to read peacefully when I'm  stuck here in these hard chairs for almost 9 hours with these people

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Everyone begins to get more comfortable, and I grab my book from my bag and try to start reading, even though I don't see how its even possible to read peacefully when I'm  stuck here in these hard chairs for almost 9 hours with these people. It's ridiculous. This detention is longer than a regular school day!

Suddenly, I hear a strange clicking noise coming from beside me. I turn, as does everyone else, to see some goth-looking chick biting away at her nails. She is about to start working on her thumb, when she notices us staring, then uncaringly returns to nibbling.

"You keep eating your hand, you're not gonna be hungry for lunch," Bender teases.

The goth girl spits part of her bitten nail at him.

"I've seen you before." Bender points at her. He then turns around to face me. "And you," he says.

I roll my eyes. "Great. Thanks for letting us know that you don't need glasses and you can see clearly."

This earns a chuckle from the prep and athlete in the front. Even Johnson and goth girl are smiling. Bender just stares at me, almost seductively. I bite my lip uncomfortably. I get awkward when people stare at me for too long, especially attractive ones.

I finally continue reading my book, and he turns back around. I half listen to an awkward altercation between Bender and the Johnson kid. I regain focus when Bender starts trying to get a reaction from the populars in front of him. He crumples up his essay paper and throws it at the princess' head, but it misses. Neither the jock nor the prep react. He then leans back in his chair and starts humming a guitar solo from a song I recognize, "Sunshine of Your Love", again trying to piss them off.

The princess shakes her head. "I can't believe this is really happening to me."

Bender tries a final tactic, and just as I predicted, it works. "Oh shit! What are we supposed to do if we hafta take a piss?!"

"Please..." the obviously disgusted prep groans.

"If ya gotta go," I hear and slightly see Bender unzip his fly. "Ya gotta go," he finishes.

Oh God. He's actually going to do it. Great! Now the whole library is gonna reek of urine!

I see the jock straining his neck, for some odd reason, to get a look as Bender is pressed up against his table.

"Oh my God!" princess remarks. All eyes are now on Bender.

"Hey, you're not urinating in here, man!" the athlete says.

"Don't talk, don't talk! It makes it crawl back up!" Bender exclaims.

"You whip it out, and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor!" the dumb jock threatens.

Bender lets out a fake gasp as he zips his fly back up. "You're pretty sexy when you get angry, grr."

He turns to the nerd. "Hey, homeboy!"

The nerd faces Bender, pointing the pen at himself.

"Why don't you go close that door and we'll get the prom queen and mouthy over here..." He jerks his thumb towards me before finishing. "...impregnated."

I simply roll my eyes and let out a tsk while the princess shoots him a disgusted glare.

Bender, now turned to me and staring intensely, doesn't hear the athlete attempting to get his attention. He finally turns when he's called a second time.


"If I lose my temper, you're totalled, man!" the jock warns.


"Totally!" The jock shoots back.

The princess finally says something to Bender other than her stupid whiny complaints. "Why don't you just shut up! Nobody here is interested!"

"Really," the jock agrees. He then uses the most childish insult known to man. "Buttface."

"Well hey Sporto! What'd you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?" Bender asks.

The dweeb pipes in timidly. "Excuse me, fellas, I think we should just write our papers..." He's ignored, and Bender and the jock continue their conversation.

"Look, just cause you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass, so knock it off!" the athlete yells.

Bender mocks feeling hurt. "It's a free country."

The jock whips back around, fuming, and the prom queen attempts to calm him. "He's just doing it to get a rise out of you, just ignore him!"

Bender does a cute little hair flip before speaking to the princess. "Sweets?"

The prep turns to him, annoyed.

"You couldn't ignore me if you tried."

Miss Prom Queen rolls her eyes and turns back around.

It doesn't take long for Bender to start again. "So...So! Are you guys like boyfriend-girlfriend?"

The two populars look uncomfortable, but don't respond. "Steady dates? Lo--vers?"

Unsatisfied with the reaction, Bender goes in for the kill. "C'mon Sporto, level with me. Do you slip her the hot...beef...injection?"

That gets them. They both whip around faster than lightning.

The prep yells, "Go to hell!"

The jock yells, "Enough!"

We hear Vernon yell from his office. "Hey, what's going on in there?"

We respond with silence, not wanting to get in trouble. I can't help but softly chuckle at their reaction.

Maybe this day won't be so bad after all.

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