3: Being Unwanted and Social Clubs

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Not long after the little "hot beef injection" episode, Bender gets up and walks beside the populars' table, pointing to the door

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Not long after the little "hot beef injection" episode, Bender gets up and walks beside the populars' table, pointing to the door. "What do ya say we close that door..." He hops onto the railing. "...we can't have any kind of party with Vernon checking us out every few seconds."

"Well, y'know the door's supposed to stay open..." The nerd states in a matter of fact way.

"So what?" Bender asks.

"So why don't you just shut up! There's five other people in here you know," the jock retaliates.

"God, you can count! See I knew you had to be smart to be a...a wrestler," Bender replies.

"Who the hell are you to judge anybody, anyway?" the jock shoots back.

"Really," the queen bitch sneers.

Bender looks sternly at her before shifting his attention back to the athlete, who's telling him how worthless he is, how he doesn't even exist at this school, and how it wouldn't make any difference if he disappeared. It was so harsh, and I wanted to strangle the dumbass jock for saying such hurtful things. You can tell he was hurt by the athlete's words, but quickly hid it with more sarcasm.

"Well...I'll just run right out and join the wrestling team!" The populars look at each other and laugh at Bender's proposal. He continues. "Maybe the prep club, too! Student council!"

"Nah, they wouldn't take you," the jock tells him.

"I'm hurt."

Queen Bitch decides to put her two cents in. "You know why guys like you knock everything?"

I laugh to myself. "Oh, this should be stunning," I mutter under my breath, not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"It's cause you're afraid," she finishes.

"Oh God, you richies are so smart! That's exactly why I'm not heavy in activities!" Bender says with mock enthusiasm.

"You're a big coward," she rambles on. Shit, I though she was finished.

I assumed that Johnson felt left out, because he piped in some nonsense that nobody really heard except me. "I'm in the math club!"

"See, you're afraid they won't take you. You don't belong, so you just have to dump all over it!" I hope that was the last part of her rant. I'm losing brain cells listening to her.

"Well it wouldn't have anything to do with you activities people being assholes, now would it?" I had to agree with Bender's statement. It's the main reason I'm reluctant to join any clubs or teams.

"Well, you wouldn't know! You don't even know any of us!" the princess fires back.

I surprise myself by speaking up. "Well, we don't know any lepers either, but we're not gonna run out and join one of their fuckin' clubs!"

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