8: Cover Ups and Getting High

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We finally return to the library, seated in our original spots

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We finally return to the library, seated in our original spots. I'm anxiously tapping my foot, wondering if Bender is okay. I really need to stop thinking about him so much, but I can't seem to.

Finally, after a while, Bender storms into the library with Vernon practically on his heels. Bender sits back in his original spot as Vernon addresses us.

"Mr. Wiseguy here has taken it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be without his services for the rest of the day."

"B-O-O H-O-O," Bender spells out.

"Everything's a big joke, huh Bender? The false alarm you pulled on Friday, false alarms are really funny, aren't they? What if your house...what if your family...what if your dope was on fire?" Vernon sneers.

"Impossible, sir. It's in Johnson's underwear," Bender states with a blank expression.

Brian looks like he's just seen a ghost, and Andrew and I can't help but snicker.

Vernon notices and is not happy. "You think he's funny? You think this is cute? You think he's bitchin', is that it? Look at him, he's a bum! You wanna see something funny? You go see John Bender in five years, you'll see how goddamn funny he is!"

This, again, must have affected Bender. Vernon notices, and walks over to him, squatting to his level. "What's the matter, John? You gonna cry? Let's go." He grabs Bender's shoulder in attempt to pull him up, but Bender stands up, and smacks it off.

"Hey, keep your fuckin' hands off me! I expect better manners from you, Dick."

Bender takes his sunglasses out of his pocket and puts them in front of Andrew. "For better hallway vision."

He strides out, with Vernon close behind once more. He then shoves a bunch of stuff off of the librarian's desk. Vernon catches up do him, and for a second I thought for sure he was gonna whale on him, but he doesn't. The library doors close with a bang, and we sit in silence.
After a while, we become extremely bored with Bender not being there. Just goes to show how even if he can be an ass, he makes it better.

Brian is now in Bender's spot, eating his carrots, Claire is sitting on top of her table, and Andrew, Allison and I are in the same spots we were when we got here.

Finally, Claire breaks the tense silence. "So, what do you guys think is gonna happen to him...?"

"I don't know. I really hope Vernon doesn't fuck him up, though. He's damaged enough, as we all saw from that show he put on at lunch," I say, with a sharp glare directed to Andrew.

Andrew rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't kn-"

"OH SHIT!" I almost have a heart attack hearing the crash from the second floor of the library.

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