4: Loose Screws

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"Why is that door closed?!" Vernon yells, now in the room standing in front of us

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"Why is that door closed?!" Vernon yells, now in the room standing in front of us.

Nobody says anything.

Vernon is frustrated with the silence. He repeats the question.

Finally, Bender pipes up. "How are we supposed to know? We're not supposed to move, right?"

Unsatisfied with the answer, Vernon walks over to the prom queen. "Why?"

She hesitates, and for a second I thought she was gonna rat Bender out. But she doesn't. "We were just sitting here, like we were supposed to..."

Vernon looks at Johnson. "Who closed that door?"

"I think a screw fell out of it," Bender says.

"It just closed, sir," I chime in.

Vernon sees the goth girl in the back and attempts to get an answer from her. "Who?"

The goth girl squeals and slams her head down on the table, her hood covering her head.

"She doesn't talk, sir," Bender informs him.

Vernon is still persistent that we're lying, and addresses Bender. "Give me that screw."

"I don't have it," Bender replies simply, not making eye contact.

"You want me to yank you outta that seat and shake it out of ya?"

"I don't have it! Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place!" Bender defends himself.

Vernon still doesn't buy it. "Give it to me, Bender."

I decide to help Bender's case. "Excuse me, sir, but why would anybody steal a screw?"

"Another detention for you, Brooks."


"There's another!

"But why??"

"Another! Wanna try for four?"

I finally shut my mouth, knowing that whatever I say, Vernon will keep giving me detentions for it.

Vernon glares at me before going over to the closed door with a folding chair, and attempts to prop it open with it. Bender tries to reassure him that it won't work, but Vernon ignores him. As he lets go to admire his "brilliant" plan, the door slams shut and the chair appears to have flung across the hall. Vernon's shouts yet another "Damnit!!". I bite my lip to control my laughter, as does everyone else.

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